
Sunday, 23 February 2014

Create the right ambience

We, human beings are creative like any other elements of nature. All the nature elements like sun, earth etc are plain representation of goodness. Sometimes, we can’t experience the goodness due to the situational occurrences that prevail around us. When the ambience around us is not conducive, it prevents us to operate at our best.
So, we need to create the right ambiance. We need to consciously craft this environment irrespective of where and how we live. Simple examples are right type of friends, right place of living, right career, right category of books, and right sort of habits. We innately are programmed to dwell in this state of goodness all the time. Sometimes, we need some sort of reminders to become aware and get back to this state when the situational experiences prevent us being in the state.
My intention for writing the blogs is to create such an ambience to all of us to experience the goodness of life. It might appear as conceptual and theoretical to some of you and sometimes, it might become hard to accept the ideas presented here. Now, the time has come to experience these ideas in a practical way by means of exercises and practices.

The program is called “30 days Neuro-Rewiring Program” which is now available in the secured area of the cyberspace. The program works based on Neuroplasticity. With strong desire and regular practice, it is possible to rewire the brain. You will see differences in your perception towards life, behavior pattern and emotion to a different level after 30 days of the program. I have designed this program to work on your body, mind and emotion using the techniques derived from contemplative neuroscience, positive psychology & mind reconditioning.
In simple words, Blogs are concepts and theories where as the “30 days NR Program” is practice and experience.
The program details are available in The program will start on 1st of March and the program is absolutely free.

The effectiveness of the program depends obviously on our effort. We know the benefit of sunlight but certainly, we get the benefit of the sunlight provided we take an effort to come out our house to expose ourselves to the sun. This program works the same way. There is no free meal. We need to put an effort. I have personally undergone transformation by following certain practices and I guarantee you that it will have a great impact on the quality of your life.
The practices are in the restricted areas and you need to sign up by filling your personal detail to enroll the program.
So, take a first STEP to enroll and let us meet in the practice area soon.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

The Preferred Path: Upgrade to your higher SELF

We are roughly given a quota of 29,000 days to live, which is a meager amount in comparison to the billion years of human evolution. So, every day counts. Each day is bliss if we live at our best. Our existence is not an accident but there is a purpose attached to it.
We are at our best when we operate with the creative intelligence built within us. Creative intelligence is the interplay of body mechanics and mind dynamics. We make use of this intelligence knowingly or unknowingly all the time but the person who understands this intelligence is better equipped to live optimally at his best. It does not matter what we do, where we move and where we bond but it changes our life forever once we understand the principle of this creative intelligence.
This knowledge is not taught in school. It is not a favorite topic for discussion with friends & families and it gets hidden with the speed of the life. But, this intelligence is the one which controls & directs our life. Only few people are lucky enough to tap this wisdom to their advantage. So, it is better to build this wisdom that gives a meaningful life.
Creative intelligence allows us to move from Path 1 to Path 2 .First, let us try to understand these two different paths.

Path 1:  Babies are like an empty vessel. They have an unconditional & unprogrammed system with no prejudices, no uncertainties, no preferences but a pure state of Nothingness. But as he grows, he learns to sit, walk and emulates the pattern of the society. In that process, he learns the art of mimicking and becomes a perfect social mirror. This mirroring becomes a habit and as grownup adults, we continue to follow and mimic the patterns of the society.
As we grow further as kids, our mental faculties evolve and we develop certain traits & individuality based on the situational experiences. In that process we build our character. It is common and quite natural that two different individuals have different characters even though they were raised up in the same family.
When these two components of us i.e. the social mirroring and the character formation of the individual are not in alignment with the Laws of nature, conflict surfaces out which disturbs the body mechanics and volatility of the mind dynamics. Life style diseases prevail as this unbalanced state persists. We look out for all the means and ways to come out of this unbalanced state & when there are no more options left out, we start to accept this unbalanced state. As we grow further, we continue to live in this unbalanced state which slowly increases the space between the actual purpose of the life and the way we lead the life. This creates a different kind of voidness in life at an older age which is in complete contrast to that of the emptiness with which we arrived here as babies. With this emptiness, we start to lose our identity.
Path 2:  One can take a very different path if one learns the art of tweaking this creative intelligence, the interplay of the body mechanics and mind dynamics. He is thoroughly equipped to handle the two components i.e. social mirroring and the character formation to his advantage and for his growth. Transformation bounds to happen in all the major areas of the life namely health, material wealth, relationships, skills & spiritual growth. We get younger body and healthier mind. We feel as 30 or 40 years at the age of 50 or 60 years old and not the other way around. We get a younger body with greater immune system, higher energy level and better stamina & a healthier mind with better perception, clarity of thought and strong core belief system.
In fact, my whole idea of writing this series of blogs is simply to share this unique wisdom with you. I am fortunate enough to set in this newly defined path. All, we need to do is to invest our energy & time in getting a clear understanding of the principles that operate this creative intelligence. It is really worth a million & the time we invest in, will return back to us in multifold.

Now, feel free to watch the video which I have created specifically to share the joy of traveling in PATH 2. So, come and join with me in this journey which gives purpose and meaning to our life.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Infinity: Both the sides

Sometimes, we have our own dull moments and we feel that our life sucks. There could be many different reasons like bad relationships, financial problems, no growth in our career, health related issues and many more. We occupy a space which limits our level of awareness to the specifics of the problem. There is a way to come out of this space provided we know the way to shift ourselves to different levels of our awareness.

At any given point in life, we have an option to move in a direction either at micro or macro level. Both the directions lead to infinity. At the macro level, the biggest macro structure, the so called universe in its entirety is infinite. Same way, at the micro level, if we consider any object at the sub molecular level, it is once again infinite. Let us take a hypothetical journey to see how infinity feels to us by using the perception of time.

Feel the infinity:  To feel the vastness of the universe, watch this video . I express my gratitude for the creator of this amazing video. Here is the short summary of the commentary run in this video . “We travel at the speed of light starting from the sun across the cosmos. We pass earth in just 8 minutes. After 5 ½ hours we pass Pluto, the outer limit of solar system and it is still the same day of the journey. The closest star, Alpha Centauri A appears after 5 years of our journey. After 100 light years nebular material appears.1000 light years, galaxy is in full view. 100 thousand years, we can see the entire spiral of milky way.5 million years passed; the milky way & 30 galaxies vanish into the distance. 50 million light years, cluster of 2000 galaxies can be seen. 10 billion years, we see the theoretical view of the universe. Countless billions of galaxies are no more than a micro dot now. “ Can you feel the vastness of the universe?  With our known perception of time, we can feel the infinity at the macro level.  
Also, we can feel the infinity at the micro level. Let us consider the structure of our finger tip. With our naked eye, it is viewed as just a finger tip. If we see it through a magnifying lens then we can see the finer details of the finger prints. If we use a microscope then we can see the tissues and cells of the finger. With a powerful microscope, the sub molecular levels of the cells become apparent.  Now, with much more powerful equipment, one can probe further at the deeper level and the extent one can go deeper in infinite. There is no boundary. Even though, it is just a finger tip, the visual perception changes as we move towards the micro level. Meditation is one such powerful technique which takes in the micro path to feel the macro (universe) within us.
Emotional Intelligence:
Within us at the micro level, the boundary is infinite which by definition is also the boundary of the universe. Hence, we can say that the universe is inside us. So, we are part of universe and universe is part of us. This realization is profound and true. When one operates with this belief, it takes him to a different level of awareness.
We equate god to infinite power, infinite knowledge and infinite compassion. In fact, we each one of us operates at this same level as can be seen from the above micro/macro experiences. We are infinite and powerful and we should not underestimate the power within us. By operating at this level, we not only respect ourselves and the inherent power within us but also others and their potentials. We know what is happening within ourselves and what is happening around us and we value both. This is the basis of Emotional intelligence.
Preferred direction
We live in the middle. We have a choice to go either ways at the micro or macro levels. Both directions are powerful. As we experience the journey, we will be influenced since we become a part of the experience itself. The first thing we experience at the macro level in our outward journey is the society. Obviously, we are influenced by the society and we tend to become a social mirror. We tend to mimic the patterns defined by the society. Sometime, we get stuck with the social patterns and we don’t move forward. Some people pass through this stage and they get a whole new level of experiences and hence new level of achievements.
At the micro level, such as the process of meditation, the accessibility is easy as every step of the journey happens well within us, well within our control and the experience is lot more rewarding than moving in the direction at macro level. As we progress with meditation, we will have better understanding of the automatic processes that govern the body dynamics, better access to the involuntary functions like heart beat, respiratory rate etc and the subconscious mind. All these aid us to operate at different level of awareness taking the path towards infinity.
But, when we encounter problem, sometimes we resort to activities like consuming alcohol, eating excessive food etc to temporarily keep away from the problem. This is the direction exactly in opposite to the path towards infinity.
Shift in Paradigm:
The Mind operates on the stack of layers starting from the surface level to the deeper level with no limit to the bottom. In case of a dull moment, we occupy a space where the mind is locked to a particular layer which gives rise to a prevailing stream of thoughts. When we operate moving in the direction of infinity, we naturally shift our space & we start to see the same problem but with a new outlook. This is similar to how we perceive a finger tip as different structures depending on how we see it.
How the solar system vanishes with the distance, the problem also will vanish as we move towards the infinity. The power of prayer is also a path of reaching towards this same infinity (which we call it as God). By doing so and in that process of prayer, we approach the problem with a new outlook.
As we experience the journey towards the infinite, our awareness level changes and we are in a new space that creates a different experience for the same problem. We are not stuck inside our mind and body (contents) but we move to the space which holds the content. As we are in the space, the content which occupies the space is smaller in proportion to the space itself and one can see the dynamism of the content clearly and hence the problem.

When we operate at this level of awareness, our life will be blissful and powerful. This is like a radiation which influences others who come in contact with it and get positive influence by this energy.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Dhoom3 Divine Dance

This is the second in the series of blogs on exercises. I am taking a reference from the movie Dhoom3 using “kamili’, an introduction song of Katrina Kaif to do an analysis of the exercise components and other inspirational aspects that are relevant to our life.
Exercise components:
The five major components one needs to consider while exercising are strength, endurance level, flexibility, balance and control. We can deal with these components at three different levels. At the basic level, endurance level increases as one optimizes the cardiovascular respiratory system. This is an energy generation component and the basic fuel for the human system. Second level has the strength and flexibility components. Flexibility determines better movement of the joints and the muscles. This in turn indirectly signifies better blood circulation to every cell of our body. So, flexibility is an energy distribution component. Strength determines the stability, bone density & muscle mass of the human body. Third level has balance and control elements. We are vertically symmetrical and it is important to balance the left and right side of the body. Balancing exercises program the brain (cerebellum) in certain ways such that we get better control of our body movement. This is one reason why a drunken person loses his balance once the blood mixed with alcohol reaches his brain. According to me, balance is an anti aging indicator. Another component is the control i.e. taking control of the body which is one such factor that determines the progress of our exercise as well as our confident level in dealing with body mechanics.
In this dance sequence, her dance was extremely powerful and dynamic even though there were certain elements of cinema mixed to it. All the five exercise components were elegantly exhibited at their best levels. This is the desired level which all of us strive to achieve and hence this dance is such a great motivation. Remember that our subconscious mind understands better when the information is fed in picture format. Due to the dramatic picturisation of this song, it is quite easy to get into the deeper level of our subconscious mind.

If you become curious to watch the song then I suggest you to watch four rounds paying particular attention to particular aspect in each round. In the first round, just pay attention only to her legs to understand the flexibility of what the human body can have. In the second, pay attention to the postures starting from the plank, arm balance, bridge, chair posture, table top, three leg down dog, chatrungasana, inversion hand stand posture to see the strength, balance & control elements. Third, pay attention to all those moves like running on slope, jumping across the beam, lunges and squats to see the endurance level. Finally, pay attention to the spinning actions in the standing, sitting and supine positions and with the hanging rope.
Psychology of curiosity element:
This dance sequence has been choreographed to exploit the curiosity element of the human. The sequence opened with her in a jump suit and with the progress of the sequence, she was undressing stage by stage to reach a final stage where she was in shorts. In exhibiting a result, when the developments are shown in progressing steps, it will have a greater impact than showing the end result straightaway. If she had come at the beginning with the dress which she was wearing at the end of the sequence then it would have a very different level of impact. Whatever be the work we are involved in, it is great technique for us to make use of the curiosity element for others to develop interest in our work.
Energy development: 
If you have learned Tibetan yoga then you must be aware of the first exercise based on “whirling Dervish”. This is a rotation exercise on your own axis i.e. the axis of spine, the main channel of central nervous system.  Rotation is always an energy generation mechanism. Do you know why we are not as energetic as the children? This is because we don’t do as much rotational movements as the children. Children do this playfully all the time. We were doing this quite often as children but we stopped doing this as we grew up into adults and hence there is a decline in our energy levels. We are not as energetic as children. In fact, all the planets in the solar system rotate with their own axis and revolve around the sun. Rotation and revolution are energy generation mechanisms and some of us as adult seldom do these movements.
Why do we revolve around the temple? And in certain culture, they even rotate on their own axis in the temple. Yes, these are energy generation techniques. In this dance sequence, she did rotations in the sitting, standing and supine positions. Also, there was a great exhibition of revolution and rotation with a hanging rope similar to the planetary movement.
Another interesting fact is that all the planets rotate in the counter clockwise direction. Do you think, it is just a coincidence? Please write your remarks in the comment section of this blog.
Involuntary control:
The law says that either you control your body or your body controls you. Voluntary control of the body is a way to check the progress of our daily exercise routines. If we have better control then it means we have made progress with the exercises. Eventually, there is another level of control mechanism possible which some of the extraordinary people have exhibited in the events like kumba mela or Guinness world record show. It is just not the body control but the control of our involuntary mechanisms like heart beat, blood pressure, body temperature etc. Many yogis have demonstrated these extraordinary controls of involuntary system such as the ability to walk on the water, floating against the gravity, etc.
Exercise is an act of playing with the gravity. In this dance sequence, she flipped her body with and without the support of the wall and did some somersault actions. Definitely, the cast crew would have used some graphics to picturise these dramatic sequence but it was a treat to understand the level of control one could target. Unfortunately in today’s condition, majority of the adults have difficulty in touching their own feet in a forward bend posture. If you want to test your body for flexibility now, do so but with the caution of not bending your knees as you bend forward and see where your hands reach.
Driving force:
This actress is not just glamorous but packed with talents. We can derive inspiration from her provided if we get to know at first what has inspired her. I feel her inspiration is not the fame, money and the pressure to exceed her own capability but the internal drive within her which has driven her in the desired path. In fact, it is an inside out move.
For a moment, if we consider the flip side and if we have a system with a body that does not move freely,  without stamina & strength and on top of these without great energy levels & without a driving force in life then it is important for us to set our goals and start to work from the inside out. Unfortunately, if any one of us are in this space then ask the following question. When the entire planetary systems generate energy, when the children have energy why should we have to be different?  This is not our place. Let us go back to the origin where we belong. That is the only space where we get our true source of energy.

So, set the goal and drive from inside out & then we are already set in this path to reach to our ideal self.