
Wednesday 28 March 2018

Tension Free Life for 2018 -Part 13 EMOTION & THINKING BRAINS

The stress response is based on the trigger which occurs in the form of fear, doubt or worry. Hence, the stress response is emotion-centric. The problem of the emotion-centric response is that it is so well automated that it hijacks the thinking brain. That is the reason one can’t think straight while he is in stress. The clarity of the situation and taking appropriate action is not possible in the automated centric process. Thinking brain intervention is a must in the stressed out situation. But, in reality, in most of the cases, this is not happening.

But, it is possible to bring the thinking brain into the picture while in stress. Stress response can be altered with the thinking brain. This requires brain training and it is a learnable skill. Obviously, this cannot be practiced in the peak of the stressed out situation. This should be practiced when one is a normal state.

Saturday 17 March 2018

Tension Free Life for 2018 -Part 12 MIND FOCUS

Do you know the power of focus? It is the penetration power of the mind and this power is given to all of us equally. What happens when one focus on a particular task for a prolonged duration of time? He can get the penetration power to handle the task. When he penetrates into the task, the world around the task explodes. He tends to see things that a normal unfocussed eye can’t see around the task. This is how he solves the problem related to the task while others struggle to solve. The penetration power is like the magnifying lens that allows the world around the task to see in high definition. This new visibility gives the probabilities of the means and solutions related to the task.

This means to say that the task itself is simply magnified. Such is the power of focus. But, unfortunately, the attention span of the individuals decline heavily in the recent years. Because there are too many distractions which deplete the ability of an individual to stay focussed.

In other words, if one focuses on the problem then the problem gets magnified. On the other hand, focussing on the solution, the solution gets magnified. So, it is wise to focus on the solution in order to solve the problem related to the task. But, the question at hand: How focused are we practically?
Attention is a learnable skill & it is our rights to stay attentive. One can train the brain to enhance the attention faculty. Attention is again a power. The question now is how to harness this power for our growth.
Focussed eyes see things that normal unfocussed eyes can’t see around the task in hand.

Thursday 8 March 2018

Tension Free Life for 2018 -Part 10 BODY–MIND CORRELATION

The body follows the mind. This is the psychological effect on our physiology. Have heard about the prevalent medical field called Psychoneuroimmunology? The immunity system of the body can be altered by the psychic state of the mind. Psychosomatic diseases are the illnesses that arise from the disorder of the psychic state of the mind.

It is important to create the free space in the mind. This space allows our ideas to move around freely in the mind. When the mind space is cramped then there is no free flow of fresh ideas and one gets stuck in a particular mode. Wherever free flow is not possible, energy transference will not be smooth. This causes tension in the mind. Tensed mind creates a stiff body. The body becomes stiff when the mind is tensed. The muscles and joints mobility will be lost. Now, this becomes a good start for an array of all other illnesses.
So, create a free space in the mind. How to do this?

Create a free space in the mind in order for the body to move freely

Friday 2 March 2018

Tension Free Life for 2018 -Part 10 STRESS CIRCUIT

Our brain triggers stress response based on the threats. It is an automation triggered by the emotion. It is carried out by the ANS (autonomous nervous system) and the response is completely involuntary. It is an activation of the sympathetic nervous system to provide the right source of energy and prepares the body to face the threats. Once out of threat, the parasympathetic nervous system kicks in and the energy level is pulled back to normal state.

Certain hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol, and noradrenaline are secreted with the triggers and sympathetic nervous system activation. These hormones initiate certain physiological changes notably increased blood flow, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, increased breathing, dilation of pupil and relaxation of the bladder.

All the physiological changes prepare the body to provide the additional energy to face the threats. But, these are temporary and stay as long as the threat is present. Once out of threat, the parasympathetic nervous system kicks in which withdraws the hormones secretions and bring the physiological changes to normalcy. These, in turn, bring the body back to the normal state.
The response is a cycle of turning on the sympathetic nervous system, bring up the energy level, turning on the parasympathetic nervous system and bring down the energy level to normalcy. This is a temporary process and stays only in the presence of the threat.

Stress is a cyclic pattern of turning on/off the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.