
Monday, 31 October 2016

Get your stability

Change is constant & hence, we live on a platform which is dynamic in nature. But, we seek stability in this dynamism of life. This seeking is quite natural & it is possible. All you need to do is to induce forcefully slowness that creates clarity & stillness. These in turn build stability.
Perception: Clarity is a change in the perception. The way how perceive everyday events changes by the slowness. The fan that rotates, the wings of the fan gradually disappear with the speed of rotation. With Slowness, one can gradually see the shape of the wings. Shape of the wing can be evidently and completely seen when the fan comes to a halt. So, our perception of the shape of the wing in the fan varies with the speed. Similarly, everyday events that we perceive change with the speed of the mind. A deeper perception is possible with the slower mind.

Slowness of mind: Intentionally slowing the mind is a learnable skill. There is a direct correlation to the physical stillness to the mental stillness. Stillness of mind can be achieved easily with the still body. Physical stillness can be achieved by training the spine to stay in the neutral position. Keeping the spine adds stillness in the mind.
Optimal result: In the present day scenario, life runs at a fast paced routine. The smartness remains in how one handles himself optimally with the speed. This becomes possible by gaining deeper perception and that is possible by inducing slowness. So intentional slowdown in you directly influence your performance when the situations demand speed.
Summary: The arms of the fan disappear with the speed. Reducing the speed of the fan gives the visibility of the arms. Physically, keeping the spine stable adds stillness in the mind.

“To perform optimally in a fast phased life, make a deliberate effort at times to induce “slowness” that creates “clarity” & “stillness” that builds “stability” in you.  "

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Self Introduction : Centring Process

In the fast paced life pattern, mostly we tend to get carried away by the external forces. It is a good practice to pay attention to oneself at regular intervals in order for him to stay rooted. Otherwise, months & years pass by quickly & in no time one may get lost in the crowd very quickly. This is where one’s self-identity plays a crucial role in centring him to his true values &faiths.
The Masks: We take responsibilities as father, son, office colleague, client, neighbour etc based upon the kind of people to whom deal with. Accordingly, we wear different masks based on the needs of the occasions. Those identities are valid only in those contexts but not our true identities. One needs to peel off these masks to get to know his true identity. This is a self introduction process. This is vital and significant in order for you to play the game of life working from your roots.
Any one identity is a mixed bag of strength & weakness. There is no need to take pride for the strength & let down by the weakness. Let these things stay as they are. Staying open to the strength & weakness is a powerful way of dealing the life. One doesn’t need to manipulate or tamper these characteristics of him for the needs of others. Accepting things as they are needs training & courage. But, it is a powerhouse.

True Identity: Here is a simple technique to get to know your true identity. Naturally, one gets worries, fears & doubts especially when he deals life during his bad phase. With time, things will automatically set into normality and the person is out from the clutches of the bad phase. If one watches carefully, he would notice that there is a small fragment of him which acts as a guiding force that fights against those fears, worries & doubts. The key here is to identify this fragment of you. This is your true identity. You are well defined once when you start to identify to this fragment.
Summary: Our true colour is exposed only in our low time. Otherwise, we wear a mask that covers our true identity. There is a fragment of you that fight against those fears, worries & doubts during your bad phase. You are well defined once when you start to identify yourself to that fragment.

“Your true identity is this invisible force that gets you cross your worst situation fighting against those naturally occurring fears & worries while moving towards your goal.  "

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Healthy Eating: A different approach

Value:  You are what you eat. This is absolutely true without any argument. Also, I would like to given another dimension to the method of eating. You are HOW you eat. This is also equally significant. The way how you eat the food and how one values the food are also critical in developing healthy lifestyle.
Our attention to what goes inside our mouth is highly critical. Many times, our attention is somewhere else and not on the food that goes in. Since, eating is a habitual process; we eat without having our consciousness on the food. At the dining table, we have all sets of distractions such as reading newspaper, watching TV & chatting with friends, attending calls etc. With all these distractions, our awareness of food goes in the background.
It is not only that we don’t feel, taste & enjoy the food but diminish the value that we give to the food with the distractions. In general, if we don’t value a system/process then the value from the very system/process will not come to us. This is a universal law & it also applies to the value that assign to the food that you eat.
If you devalue the food then the energy that you get from the food gets devalued.

Body: Body is subjected to change. We can build a healthy body with proper nourishment. For this, let us understand the basic principle of the body that is in making. Body is a form of earth element. We accumulate the body from the earth elements in the form of food. Depending on this accumulation, we can easily weigh few kilos more or few kilos. Ultimately, this body in making goes back to its origin, i.e. earth after death. So, remember that the food that we eat comes from the earth element and that we call it as body.
Natural food: We process the food in many different ways before we consume. We get higher nourishment of the food when the food is more natural. If we add chemicals, preservatives then we make the food devoid of its natural elements. So, keep the processing to the minimum & give due respect to the nature.
As a thumb rule, the amount of heat that we use for cooking converts the food into another form that is distant away from its original content. We do this processing for enhancing taste & easy digestion. Instead, I suggest you to increase your digestive power to consume the type of food that is more close to the earth element. In other words, heighten your digestive power in proportion to the amount of heat energy that you spent in the cooking. This can be achieved by enhancing the fire element inside you which in yogic term is called as Agni.
With increase in your Agni power, you will get the ability to digest even stronger food and hence, get the ability to consume raw food. For example, Agni Sara Kriya is one such technique that improves the digestive juice that optimises the digestive system.
Summary: How you eat is more important than what you eat. The food that we eat comes from the earth element & we accumulate that in the form as the body. Respect the nature by striking a healthy balanced eating habit.

“Heighten your digestive fire in exact proportion to that of the fire used for the cooking.  "

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Move forward: Inward Journey

Default State: We experience the external world by our senses. The senses then feed the data to the mind and meaning of the event is honoured. Naturally, we are in concurrence to the five senses and develop these sense faculties. Over the years, we tune completely externally and our desire is focused to the needs such owning a nice house, car, dress etc. But, we always long for something more even though that all our desires are met. This process continues as long as we follow the five senses which keep our focus to the external world. This becomes our default state. In this default state, we have a longing to get more and it continues always.
Evolutionary State: When we tune in internally then we witness/observe our own internal world. How our mind works, the drive of emotion etc. When our awareness is shifted in this direction, mind tends to recede over a period of time. This calming down of mind gives an opportunity to witness the inbuilt evolutionary energy within. This evolutionary energy has an age over period of billion years. This is really a massive energy. You will witness this inbuilt intelligence in each and every part of your body.

Your awareness is now watching the events/experiences of this internal world which you were not previously aware of. Your internal sensitivity can be developed and sharpen with the consistent practice. You will be exposed to a new dimension of you. This is really splendid.
This energy is huge. If you develop an awareness capability then you can dig in the entire energy accumulated over billion years within this one life time period. The question is whether you have the real ability to handle such a massive source of energy.
The initial symptoms of this internal journey are the clear sensations /feelings of all the involuntary automatized systems such as your heart beat, neural communications, blood circulations etc. Remember, all these systems have been developed over million years of evolution and each of these systems has its own inbuilt intelligence.
Inside-out strategy: Our external world is simply a mirror image our internal world. When we tune in to our internal world, we are exposed this wide spectrum of the evolutionary energy that changes our belief structures, perceptions and how we deal our life. This is the time; you will see the quantum leap of transformation in your life.
So, move from the default state of living to the evolutionary state of life.
Summary: In default State, we live & survive by tuning into the five external sensations. This is okay for your survival. In evolutionary State, we live & thrive by turning on the internal sensation. Increasing the internal sensitivity provides an opportunity to tap the evolutionary energy.

“Make a choice to move from the default state to the evolutionary state to thrive in life.”