
Wednesday, 30 November 2016

LIVE LARGE - Pattern of life

Two reasons for the monotonous pattern of life.
 a.           Living in the comfort zone
 b.           Not clear of what exactly one wants to do in life.

Now, we know the start point of the transformation, it is time to perform a small test. Compare the present state of the life with that of your life three months before. You must able to see the changes, achievements, failures in these three months duration. Let us call the differences as delta. If you are satisfied with this delta then it is alright. If the life is the same as it was three months before then it is time to understand this monotonous pattern.

Reasons for the monotonous pattern of life
1.            One living in his own comfort zone
2.            Not clear of what exactly one wants to do in life.

Both are not in favour of the universal law. Anything against the universal law is nothing but inviting trouble. Largely in this case, a person is not happy with himself, with his life. There is an inner voice telling him to do something but in reality he is doing something different. This internal conflict is the cause of the lifestyle diseases.

Sunday, 20 November 2016


What is the force within us that generates the powerful result in the physical world? This is the force of alignment.

Let us dissect the result pattern. A person has an idea in his mind (mental energy) .He is emotionally connected with the idea & he feels good whenever he thinks or executes the idea (emotional energy). He is thoroughly & deeply connected with the idea (spiritual energy). When all these energies are real & aligned together, he becomes unstoppable & fires resembling the sun rays converged through the lens to generate fire at a single focussed point.

A simultaneous, perfect alignment and convergence of these three internal energies generate the external result.

The result becomes futile when all of those energies are not in equal proportions. 

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Live Large -Part1

For self-transformation journey, one needs to identify clearly the right start point.
But, let us first understand a very basic but important point. Today, we use mobile, computer and other items. These items are real and exist in the physical world now. But, few decades before, those existed simply as the ideas in someone heads. So, the items that we see now are the results in the physical world. So, the result that is conceivable in the physical world is simply a reflection and the amalgamation of the mental, emotional & spiritual energies of the internal world.

In other words, a combination of our mindset, emotional state & spiritual energy of this moment manifest themselves into result in the near future.
The question now is: Should we need to work on the result? Or should we need to work on the causes that generate result. Follow this simple Cause-Effect formula.
External world is difficult to control. Internal world is within your control. It is then wise to work on the internal variables than working on the external variable factors.

So, we know now clearly our good start point for the transformation.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Change the meaning:Change the experience

Automation: We assign a meaning to our experience. Based on the meaning, we judge that experience. In general, assigning meaning is an automated process. This automation is carried out based on the database that one accumulates over the years. This database is nothing but our faith, belief, values & the experiences that we have gathered in life so far.
Examples: Consider two scenarios. In scene one, we are waiting at the traffic signal. Imagine that all of a sudden a man cut the traffic in red. In this instant, our immediate reaction is going to be offensive. Either we scold him or feel bad of him. This is natural automated response.
On the other hand, consider scene two, where we are witnessing the same incident in the traffic but this time we have our friend with us in the car. This friend has noticed a girl in the violated car & feels that the man has cut the traffic because the girl seems to be bleeding and the person seems to be in a urgency to take her to the hospital. In this context, our entire perception of the situation changes & we suddenly feel empathetic to the person. Now, our response is completely different than the automated response of scene one.

Third Person view: Our meaning to the experience changes when we look at the experience from the third person point of view. Our experience to the event will change with the change in the way how we assign a meaning. This is really powerful, given the fact that we don’t have control of the external events that happen in our daily life. But, certainly we have one hundred percent control in the way of we assign a meaning to the event. This changes our perception & hence, the experience in itself.
This is such a powerful nice technique in overruling the automated reaction thereby we change the perception & our experiences.
Summary: Event may be the same but the MEANING to the event varies from person to person. Meaning to an event comes well within. By mindful of the meaning that you assign, you can change the very experience of the event.

“Your MEANING to an experience is more important than the experience in itself”