Our path in life is determined by the choices that we make.
Our current life is determined by the choices that we made in our past. The
choices that we make now determine the path of our life in the future.
Choices &
Judgment: Judgment precedes making of choices. Say for example, we make a
choice to perform or skip a task. The decision of whether to perform the task
or not is based on our judgment of the task. Consider my task of writing this blog.
I made a decision to write it because a judgment was made within me that urged
me to sit and write this blog. Obviously, any judgment is based on the need of
the hour but significantly it is based on what we believe to be correct. Even
for you to read this blog, you have made a choice based on your judgment which
urges you to go ahead and read the whole blog. There is a possibility that a
few individuals would have simply skipped reading this blog just by merely looking
at its title. This is again based on the individual’s personal judgment and
Beliefs: There is
an underlying belief within us that controls the nature of our judgments & choices.
So the way in which our life is currently operating is based on our present
beliefs that we hold. These present beliefs are the ones which assist us in judging
an event and allow us to make choices. It is good to change our mode of operation
when our present mode of operation does not yield desired results and does not
help us in moving towards our goals.
Awareness: In
order to change the way we operate, it is important to change our current
beliefs. A good method to redefine our current belief system or to add new
beliefs is to become aware of the manner in which we judge the events.
Unfortunately, most of the judgments happen so spontaneously and automatically
without our conscious control. In fact, judgments of our life experiences are
so habitual & instantaneous. We can start moving towards our life goals
once we are aware of this automatic judgment process taking place within us.
You will be overwhelmed to see that we pass thousands of judgments on any given
So, the first step is to become aware of our judgments and
bring them under our conscious control. By, doing so, we will acquire the
ability to break this automatic process, add new beliefs and redefine the existing
beliefs that aid in moving towards our goals.
Practice: Spend
five minutes in every three hours of your time in doing this practice.
Recollect the events/experiences/situations of the past three hours & see
how you made the judgments & choices. It is good to write down your
observations in a journal. Repeat this exercise at least four times a day &
continue this practice for at least twenty one days. At the end of this
practice, you will certainly see the pattern of your judgments. Since, this
pattern and belief are within your awareness field, it becomes easy to direct
them in the desired direction.