
Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Awareness of judgment: The way to refine yourself

Our path in life is determined by the choices that we make. Our current life is determined by the choices that we made in our past. The choices that we make now determine the path of our life in the future.
Choices & Judgment: Judgment precedes making of choices. Say for example, we make a choice to perform or skip a task. The decision of whether to perform the task or not is based on our judgment of the task. Consider my task of writing this blog. I made a decision to write it because a judgment was made within me that urged me to sit and write this blog. Obviously, any judgment is based on the need of the hour but significantly it is based on what we believe to be correct. Even for you to read this blog, you have made a choice based on your judgment which urges you to go ahead and read the whole blog. There is a possibility that a few individuals would have simply skipped reading this blog just by merely looking at its title. This is again based on the individual’s personal judgment and choice.

Beliefs: There is an underlying belief within us that controls the nature of our judgments & choices. So the way in which our life is currently operating is based on our present beliefs that we hold. These present beliefs are the ones which assist us in judging an event and allow us to make choices. It is good to change our mode of operation when our present mode of operation does not yield desired results and does not help us in moving towards our goals.
Awareness: In order to change the way we operate, it is important to change our current beliefs. A good method to redefine our current belief system or to add new beliefs is to become aware of the manner in which we judge the events. Unfortunately, most of the judgments happen so spontaneously and automatically without our conscious control. In fact, judgments of our life experiences are so habitual & instantaneous. We can start moving towards our life goals once we are aware of this automatic judgment process taking place within us. You will be overwhelmed to see that we pass thousands of judgments on any given day.
So, the first step is to become aware of our judgments and bring them under our conscious control. By, doing so, we will acquire the ability to break this automatic process, add new beliefs and redefine the existing beliefs that aid in moving towards our goals.

Practice: Spend five minutes in every three hours of your time in doing this practice. Recollect the events/experiences/situations of the past three hours & see how you made the judgments & choices. It is good to write down your observations in a journal. Repeat this exercise at least four times a day & continue this practice for at least twenty one days. At the end of this practice, you will certainly see the pattern of your judgments. Since, this pattern and belief are within your awareness field, it becomes easy to direct them in the desired direction.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Want to achieve your goal? Align your Beliefs

You have goals in your life. You see your growth when the path of your travel is in perfect alignment to your goals. Sometimes, it is possible that the path of your journey is not in perfect alignment to your goals. The cause for this divergence is due to the core beliefs from which you experience your life.
First of all, understand that your thinking is based on your core beliefs. When an event occurs, different people experience and think in different ways. We think in certain way because of the beliefs we hold within. Not all our thoughts are good and so as our belief system also. Those beliefs which do not serve good and not allowing us to grow in reaching towards our goals need to be dropped out sensibly.
Our beliefs determine two things: Our emotions or the moods of the present moment & the actions that determine our future. For example,” I can’t do this work because I am not capable of doing this work’. The above statement is a case, where I am in a situation where I should do that work but I know that I definitely fail if I take up the task as I lack the competence to do it. This sets up a bad mood within me and since I know that I fail because of my capacity, I won’t take any action. Since I have not taken any action, I won’t develop further and hence my life remains the same.

Our beliefs have established a set of values within us. That is our value system. There is no such thing called right or wrong values. For example, we may have beliefs like
Work hard to earn more money. Here the value is ‘Hard work’.
Always be kind to others. The value is ‘Kindness’.
Don’t be lenient. People take advantage of me. The value is not to become lenient.
 Which of the above values are correct? Hard work or kindness or ‘not to be lenient’? We cannot give a definitive answer. But, here is the magic formula.
Magic formula: If we establish our beliefs whose values are centered with the Laws/principles of Nature then we can have a better successful life and better control of our life experiences. Laws are just laws. Those laws of nature are fixed. For example, the law of gravity is fixed and we can’t change the law. All that one can do at his best is simply to align with the laws.
Here are some examples of values based on the laws of Nature.
1.       The returns come from an action are based on the level of our attachment to that action. This is based on the law of returns.
2.       Self power – Law of abundance
3.       Contribution to others – Law of returns
4.       Gratitude – Law of Harmony
5.       Change – Law of impermanence
6.       Organization – Law of order.

So, establish the beliefs whose values are in alignment with the laws/principles of nature which setup two things: your present moment moods and the actions which determine your future. I guarantee you that it is not just your path which is in alignment with your goals but you will also have a more enjoyable and successful life.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

How to easily get the positive energy

“What you think you become “ – Budhha

Thought & energy: Thought is a form of energy. Modern brain science has the capacity to measure the action potentials created by the firing of neurons in the brain. Every though generates set of action potentials. Apparently a positive thought generates a positive energy and a negative thought generates a negative energy The type of thoughts that set inside our head determines whether we waste our energy or not.
Effective thinking: A disturbed personality has the chaotic and random thoughts in his head causing an utter wastage of energy. An effective way of thinking is to have a single thought at a time or a streamline of thoughts aligned for a specific cause. The intensity of the energy originated by streamlined thoughts creates a productive outcome in us.
Design of Mind: For an average person, there are totally 60,000 thoughts per day that crop up in his mind. Out of which 95% are repeated thoughts. From these repeated thoughts, 85% effectively are the negative thoughts. In effect, our mind has evolved to act as an automatic negative thought generator. Mind triggers worries and fears in us when it generates negative thoughts. Worries & fears which are not really in big doses but in small doses but many in numbers like project deadline, finances, reaching late to a place etc . With little effort and training, it is possible to convert the mind from an automatic negative thought generator (ANT) to an automatic positive thought generator (APT).

Emotions & Actions: Most of our activities in our day today life are controlled automatically by our subconscious mind. Most of the time, we are in a kind of an autopilot mode. For example, the way how we react to a situation, how we behave, how we brush our teethes, how we apply bath soap and even the way how we think.
Everything happens twice in life, first as a thought in our mind and then as an action in our physical reality. Thought generates emotions which determine our present moment. Thought also triggers an action which determines the future. Most of the modern lifestyle diseases are due to the bad emotions which are stored in our nervous system caused by a wrong thinking model.
Empowerment of thought: We have the ability to direct our thoughts. This is the empowerment of thought. We should avoid our thoughts which do not serve anything good for us. For this, we need to take a deliberate initiative in consciously controlling our thoughts. Lock in our thoughts into our awareness field is a real trick in converting the mind from ANT to APT.
Practice: For this, we need constant reminders for at least five times in a day. Instead of allowing our thoughts to run in an autopilot mode controlled by our habitual pattern, it is now possible at least for five times in a day, we have a switch to the manual mode where our awareness witnesses the movement of our mind. This is a powerful technique because we have now got a choice to direct our thoughts in certain way that serve us good.
With regular practices, this newly developed method (trap the mind inside our awareness field) becomes our new habit. This new habit is pushed into our autopilot mode which then works like a charm in our life forever. We have now transferred our mind to an automatic positive generator that generates positive energy.

So, get ready NOW and exploit the technology. Install a mindfulness bell mobile app as an observer and trap the mind inside your awareness field. This changes your life for the good.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

The four pillars of life

Our life is more meaningful and joyful when we strike a balance in major areas of our life. These major areas of our life are Health, Fitness, Material wealth, Finances, Personal Relationship: Spouse & family, Social Relationship: Friends /community/colleagues, Career/Profession, Relaxation /creativity and Spiritual development (purpose of life). We experience unbalance when we lack the progress in any one of these areas that gives rise to a sort of incompleteness in life.
Balance: For the purpose of our discussion, let us condense down those nine major areas into four as
Relationship &
Self Development
These four components serve as the four pillars of our life.
The quality of life depends on how nicely one balances these components. If growth of one component is slower or faster in comparison to the other components then that leads to a mismatch. For example, if one has enough wealth but disappointingly a poor health.

The Problem: By nature innately, we are designed to be in this balanced state. We move away from this balanced state when we are unaware of this reality. The speed at which we ride the life has given a hazy vision that masks the visibility of this balanced state. Since we lose the sight, we hunt to see a solution in the external world .In this process, we drift further away from this balanced state.
Way to go: All, we need to do is to become aware of this balanced state which exists deep inside us. For this, observe and become of aware of the subtle incidents in the four areas in our life. Once, when we start to observe these occurrences, we will be surprised to recognize that we are filled up in all these major areas in abundance. The more and more we observe & harness these subtle happenings, the more and more we get great quantity in return.
Practically, you can test the above aspect. You see the area where you are doing exemplarily well now. This is because that you are deeply connected in this area and emotionally attached to the experiences that are centered in this area. The same level of intensity of the connectedness may not be there in the area where you do not see the growth. For example, you are in a better health because you are connected within yourself at a deeper level when it comes to your health.

The Practice: There is no point having a faster life when the fastness is not allowing to move forward towards our life goals. It is like running fast without knowing the final destination. Ultimately, we end up nowhere. In fact, it is dangerous and we may lose the site of the balance. So, practice ‘ME’ time regularly where we spend time in bringing to our awareness the subtle happenings of the major areas of the life. The success of this practice lies in how subtly we capture these incidents. As one continues with this practice, soon he witnesses his life changes for good. Trust me, it works.