We, human are the emotional beings. The word emotion can be
split into E- Motion. Emotion is the energy in motion that affects the
psycho-physiological aspects of the human. Yes, our emotions affect our moods as well as our body.
energy: Emotion is the energy which is not confined within our body but
extends itself beyond the boundaries of the body. This is the reason that we
laugh without a reason when we see someone else laugh. Laughing is contagious
& so is our emotion. We meet and develop conversation with people and
sometimes, we avoid people too. All these happen because of the emotion that we
have associated with these people. It is not only with the people but equally
applied to any kind of situation or event that we encounter. Such is the part
played by the emotion in our life.
Emotion can be positive or negative. Positive emotions like joy & love
generate positive energy within us and negative emotions like fear & anger
generate negative energy within us. Since, emotions affect our moods (psychic)
and the body (physic) and in general our health, it is important to have
positive emotions. It is an art and skill that one can develop to deal with the
positive emotions in most of his life.
Our Evolution &
Design of our brain: By evolution,
human are weak animal in nature. We don’t’ have the powers like running at a faster
speed as wild animals or flying ability of birds. Due to our weak nature, we
always have the tendency to look for potential dangers around us and our brain
is designed to look for the potential threats around us. In other words, we are
designed to look the potential danger or fear around us first when we encounter
an event/situation. This is the wiring of
our brain in a negative way that has its influence on our health. Again, it is
an art and skill to rewire the brain to think and act in a positive way.
Sources of emotions:
When we encounter an event/situation, we make certain judgment of the event
based on the feel that we get from the event. Either, we stay with the event or
move away from the event and it is decided based on the feel that we have with
the event. This is an external source of emotion. Even, our own thoughts based
on the past experiences or future plans also generate emotions. So, our
thoughts are the internal sources of emotions. Imagine a situation where there
is no thought and no experience of the external events .In this case, what happens
to your emotional state? This is similar to a meditative state where one is
completely detached from the external world and there is no thought in his
mind. This is the time where the already stored emotions start to surface out
from the body as feelings and sensations. In fact, these are the subtle body
sensations which are nothing but the already stored emotions.
Basis of emotions: When
we encounter an event, we decide to
stay or move away from the event and it is primarily decided by the feel that
is associated with the event. This feel is originated based on the individual
belief that he holds. There is a possibility that the same event may be good
for one person but bad for another. It is mainly because of the belief that the
individual holds with the experience of the event. So, if we want to deal with most
of our life with the positive emotions then it is important to look at the
belief system that we hold.
Manage emotions: It
is possible to manage emotions to have a better life. In actual reality, most
of us ignore our emotions. We sometimes, even hide and suppress the emotions.
In fact, this is the cause for the most of the health related issues that lead
us to an unbalanced life. The first and the foremost thing to manage the
emotions is to watch/observe the emotions in real time. So, next time when you
experience a bad or good event, just watch the emotions that could be in the
form of body sensations, your feelings and your moods. As a next step, try to
label the emotions with words. Try this practice for a few weeks and see the
change that happens in your life. Remember that emotions are the powerful means
by which one can connect to his inner self.
So, in nutshell, emotion is a universal energy and by design,
we are programmed to think and act with the negative emotions. But, negative
emotions are bad for our health and lead to an unbalanced state. To deal with the
positive emotions is a skill that one can develop. Irrespective of the sources
of emotions, our belief system plays a big role in shaping up our emotion. The
first step is to become aware of the emotions if at all we want to manage our
More to come soon….
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