
Monday, 14 July 2014

Get your freedom – that is your right

Mind layers: The mind is a layered structure. The structure of mind in itself is fascinating as there is no limit to identify the bottom most layer. It becomes endless as we try to reach the deepest layers of it. The simplest representation of mind has two components namely the conscious mind in the upper layers and the subconscious mind in the lower layers. The subconscious mind’s layers consist of the layers related to our survival as well as the parts related to our habits. Both the layers of survival and habits govern our autopilot mode. The survival part of the subconscious mind controls all our involuntary actions such as breathing, heartbeat, reflexes etc. The layer that defines the habits is also automatic and spontaneous by nature. Habits are the effect of our conditioned mind.
Difference between an adult and a child: As a child, we have our survival layers defined which aid in basic operations such as breathing, heart beat etc. But, as we progress as a grown up adult, the layers of habits began to take shape based on our life experiences. The mind is conditioned and the conditioning of the mind varies from person to person based on an individual’s life experiences.

Flexibility of the body: As a child, the body system which operates on the layer of survival has greater body flexibility. There are greater movements of muscles and joints. Greater the movements, better is the blood circulation in the body. This aids in oxygenating each and every cell of the body which puts the child in a highly energetic state. This is the freedom given to us at the time of our birth.
For an adult, conditioned mind may be more rigid or less rigid based on his life experiences. There is a direct correlation between the rigidity of the conditioned mind and the flexibility of the body. The body becomes less flexible when the conditioned mind is rigid.
Test: In mind body exercise, the static postures (asanas) are good to test the flexibility of the body. A simple flexibility test is to do the forward bend posture. The level of flexibility can be determined by the palms of the hands to reach the ground. The flexibility is good if the palms touch the ground by the side of the feet’s. Remember not to bend the knees as this test is performed. Also, to retain balance, one needs to perform the complimentary back bend posture.
Unconditioning the body: The body as well as the mind can be unconditioned with regular practice. The habits can be unconditioned with the unconditioning of the body and the mind. A simple concentration of focusing on your breathing does the trick. In the above test, do exhale with the forward bends with a simple mental chat,” My body id relaxing”. Similarly, do inhale with the backbends with a mental chat, “I am energised”.

With the regular practice of the above mindful exercise, considerable changes can be noticed in the body, mind and habits. Get back the freedom given at the time of birth and that is our right!!

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