
Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Money contribution and growth

In general, our growth depends on our contributions to others as well as to the society. More the level of contribution, greater would be our growth. Contribution is like an energy that flows from a source to a target. Continuity is established when the energy moves subsequently from old target to next target and so on.
Form of energy: Our energy field is said to be at higher level when the total universal cosmic energy seamlessly flows through us without any sort of obstruction. Money is also one such form of Prana, the energy field which flows through us effortlessly. In yogic science, an unbalanced state is a state which prevails only when there is a blockage of Prana. This unbalanced state can also be defined as dis-eased state where the energy does not flow easily from one point to another point.
Instrument: Money is a kind of an instrument. It is like a hammer, an instrument which can be used either for constructive or destructive purpose. We can use the hammer to constructively build a wooden box. Also, we can use the same hammer also to destruct the box. It is just in our hand to decide the purpose. It aids in our growth when we use money as an instrument for the constructive purpose in the form of contribution.
Money contribution: We donate to orphanage, less privileged people and so on and as a good human, it is a great accomplishment to continue such service. The money that goes for the contribution should emanate out of our pure will and good intention. Our intention should not be forced by others. We tend to add marketing element of our contribution only when the intention is forced externally. When our perception on this contribution is viewed in the context of seamless flow of energy, we contribute out of uncontaminated will that happens innately within us.

Practical method: From my personal experience, I would like to share certain practices that I follow. Our money inflow comes from many different sources. Most of these sources are known and expected. But, there are some unexpected and unknown sources that sometimes come as surprises to us. These could happen in the form of some unexpected profits in our business, stocks or from some unexpected deals from the clients. Keep aside such unexpected revenues and these become a reserve and start point for the money to flow.
Once, we develop such a mind-set that there is a reserve for contribution that exists in us then surprisingly, multiple outflow paths open up for this reserve. These paths around us open up so automatically and there is no need for us to go and hunt for communities, charities or organisations for the outflow to happen.

Effectively, with the development of such a mind-set, we simply become a medium where the money, the form of energy, flows seamlessly through us. Thus, we contribute and hence we grow.

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