
Saturday, 6 September 2014

The power of static exercises

Physical exercise creates movement in the body. Static exercises such as asanas stop the movement of the body. This blog explains my view on the power of such static exercises.
Speed of the exercises: When we engage in a physical exercise, we use the speed as one of the parameter to judge our improvement. We consider the result is improved when the same set of exercises is done in a shorter duration. But, there is a flip side of increasing the momentum of the exercises. When we add the momentum, because of the speed, our awareness window begins to narrow down as the time to observe the effect of the exercises on us at any given instant of time becomes short. Even though, one can see and appreciate the net effect after exercise but the effect at a given instant of time during the exercise is as not as good as static exercise. In other words, static exercise because of its very static nature that provides a wider window of opportunity to feel clearly the strength and weakness of the body by subjecting it to different static postures. This way, one can become lot more aware of the body and with this developed awareness, one can effectively manage in adding the strength & and eliminating the weakness of the body.
Subtle movement: At the background, there are set of very subtle movements that happen within us. These are the involuntary movements without our conscious control. They run in a kind of auto pilot mode controlled automatically by the subconscious mind. There is a very less chance to observe these subtle movements when there are lot of gross movements caused by the physical exercises in the fore ground. So, it is significant to reduce or stop those gross movements in the fore ground to watch the subtler movements at the background. On reaching this level of awareness, one develops the ability to watch the movement of mind & emotions.

Still Mind: Mind becomes still only when the body retains the stillness. As known to us, the body and the mind are one and the same. Mind is the subtler form of the body and the body is the gross form of the mind. The practice of static postures allows us to train the body to become still.
Subconscious access: We are habitual animal & 95% of our activities are subconsciously controlled. We get to develop an access to this subconscious power when we develop the awareness on these subtle movements as well with the practice of static postures.
Piecewise work: Due to the high complexity of the body, it becomes a paramount task to target the entire body at one go. Each posture targets the different centers of the body. Practice of static postures allows us to work piecewise on the different centers of the body. This provides an opportunity to clear the energy block of a particular center. We get a free flow of energy throughout the entire system when all the blocks are removed.
Therapeutic effect: The static posture allows pooling of energy at one particular center as well as pooling of blood to one particular part of the body. A particular center of the body can be rejuvenated by pooling the blood to the center. A better therapeutic effect can be achieved by oxygenating the center by means of deep breathing. This activates the healing effect and hence the practice of static exercises becomes therapeutic.

So, in nutshell, practice of static exercises clear all the blocks of the different centers of the body and having a free flow of energy flawlessly within.

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