
Thursday, 5 March 2015

Are you in control of your life (Health)?

You are at your best when you do things in life which you like the most. In reality, only few people are privileged enough to do things what they would love to do in life. Majority of us are forced to do things in life irrespective of their interests and priorities.
Disparity: You live in two different worlds when you are in a situation where there is a mismatch between the work that you do and the real interest that you have. While there is a part of the world in you that executes things so theatrically and there is yet another world where your interests are completely concealed. Our own internal emotional & mental states go haywire when such a situation prolonged for months and years. Such an unbalanced state yields an unbalanced healthy state & the body starts to show gradually disturbed symptoms.
Causes: The causes for such disparity are multidimensional. It could be due to the social conditioning, the force that comes to you externally from the society. Or it could be due to the faith and belief that you hold which were not genuinely the beliefs of yours but the forced beliefs from your childhood dogged by parents, society, culture & friends. Or it could be simply your financial needs. Or you may be operating in this mode simply just because of the future commitments and you do not have the means and the clear directions to come out such a state of disparity.

Present state: You may want to do a simple exercise to access your current state to see whether you live in such a state of disparity. Just take a look at the last one week of your activities and classify the activities in two different categories. One category of activities covered with your real interest and another category of activities with the forced interest by various external situations. If you get more number of activities in later category than in the first category then it is time now for your self-introspection.
Correlation: A decade before, I was in such a state where my second list was longer than one in the first category. Obviously, I was not at my best healthy state during that period of my life. I did notice a powerful correlation between the state of disparity and my health state. If you are now in a similar situation like how I was a decade before, there is a greater probability of you to have one or more of the lifestyle diseases right now.
I am here to highlight in this blog the significance of the despaired state and its adverse relationship to your health state. There is a practical solution to overcome this unbalanced healthy state caused due to the state of disparity. At a very abstract level, it is simply a technique of identifying our true inner callings and matching our actions in the life to these inner callings.

In my next blog, I will define the mechanism of this solution as well as the practical tool that can be used to overcome such a state of disparity to have the awesome healthy life that we deserve.

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