
Sunday, 13 December 2015

Manage your Mind - Simple Technique

Mind becomes a powerful instrument if one knows how to handle the mind. In case, if one does not know how to handle the mind then mind starts to handle you. One becomes prisoner of his own mind in the latter case. Unfortunately, many live under the control of mind full time. This is not an optimal living. A person can clearly see the mind from a platform if he knows the technique to surface above the mind and resides in a platform. Now, it is easy for him to manage the mind.
There are multiple ways to do this & I’ll explain here in this blog one such powerful technique using our eyes.
Neurology of Eyes:  First, I would like to highlight 3 different aspects of the eyes. We all know eye is a sense organ for our vision. We see through our eyes. And, also eye is the only organ which is a direct extension of the brain. During the embryonic phase, the brain undergoes a growth process inside the womb. All the structures of the brain get completely embedded inside the skull except the part of the brain that extends out to form the eyes.
So, by playing with the eyes, we are indirectly playing with the brain. Now, you know the reason why the doctors apply torch in your eyes when they want to examine the pressure in the blood capillaries of the brain. Through eyes, the doctors can see the brain.
Secondly, eye is just a sense organ & we are not seeing by eyes. We see the projection of the image that is beamed from the eyes in the visual cortex of the brain. Yes, we see through our brain & not through our eyes.
Thirdly, left eye is controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain & right eye is controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain.

Eyeball movement: Just observe a restless person & watch his eyes. You may see his eye ball moves randomly everywhere. Also, you observe the eye movement of a very stable confident person in a conversation. His eye is fixed and connected straight into your eyes. This means that his mind is stable with a single thought & he is simply transferring his thought to your mind through the eyes. So, if one needs to control the mind, it is important to control the movement of the eyes. In other words, simply GAZE at one single point.
Just, try out yourself gazing at a single point and focus on the act of seeing & feeling. You will be amazed to see the reduction in the speed of your mind.
Gaze Point:  Here is an exercise that you may want to try with someone. Ask the following question to your friend, “what where you doing last Sunday morning?” & see his response. While recollecting the Sunday morning event, he may start to gaze upward to recollect the event from his memory. This is a natural automated response of all. We tend to look upward when we want to recollect some incidents. So, an upward gaze allows us to get connected to our deeper SELF.
So, it is not only gazing is a requirement but also an upward gaze of above 45 degree. So, to skip the mind, just look at your eyebrows. This simple gesture allows you to expand your awareness more than your present perceived boundaries.
Focus: As explained earlier, eyes are connected to the opposite side of the brain. When one focuses on the centre point between the two eyebrows, the left and right sides of the brain balance each other. This integration helps to expand his range of awareness. So, focus on the space in between your eyebrows.
Gazeà Upward à Centre point

Try this practice daily for five minutes & experience the powerful effect of this practice.

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