Persistence: Two
simple questions!! What do you want? What
you don’t want in life? Whatever the answers to both these questions, the
answers persist in your mind. The persistence is much stronger and deeper for
the negative question. Considering an example of building a new relationship.
Now, you may say to yourself that you want to build a relationship with someone
or you don’t want to build a relationship with that person. Both these ideas
persist in your mind.
Direction: When
the answer is positive such as “I want to build a relationship” then you have
set a direction. Mind works in tune with direction. It gives all the
possibilities for you to take actions and whatever actions that you take will
lead you in this set direction. So, there is a progress. But, when the answer
is negative such as “I don’t want to build a relationship”, mind still gives
all the possibilities for you to take the actions. But, you will be thrown with
number of other alternatives too. Should you need to build relationship with
yet another person? Should you be satisfied with the existing relationship? Should
you need to strengthen the current relationship? Or simply think of something
about your profession. So, the direction is lost here & hence, there is no progress.
Strength: What
you resist persists. I don’t want to see my boss very often. A very nature of a
thought such as this creates a situation where you are forced to meet your boss
very often. Instead, focus on “what you want “in life. You may want to meet the
client who will help in assigning an order or you may want to meet your colleague
who will help in your project. When, such thoughts become stronger then the
situations created will work in your favour.
Deeper Mind:
Negative connotation has a different meaning at the deeper level of the mind. A thought such as “I don’t want to meet my
boss” will be translated as “I want to meet my boss” at the subconscious level
of the mind. So, focus on “What you want” in life instead of focussing on “what
you don’t want” in life. By doing so, your direction is set.