Mind is a powerful device gifted to the humankind by the evolutionary
process. This device can be deployed for our own benefits provided we know
preciously the method of handling of this device. The life experience becomes frantic
& hectic when one fails to manage this device.
Pendulum: Mind movement
is like a pendulum. It swings between the two opposite sides from the neutral
position. The two sides are the “past” and the “future” and the neutral position
is the “present”. So, the entire time mind moves towards the past and future while
crossing the neutral state momentarily. This is especially true when we don’t
have an important task at hand. Watch the movement of your mind in the
situations like driving a car, brushing your teeth!! Naturally, mind dwells in the past or
fantasises the future.
Default Network:
In neuroscience, scientists call this pendulum action as the default network of
the brain. Nearly 49% of the time, the brain stays in the default network. We
know that each of our thought generates an electric impulse. Considering this
fact , we spend half the time wasting our energy by random thoughts. We tend to
worry when mind thinks of the past experiences.. We fancy our future which is
yet to happen. But, there is a way to make this mind lot more productive that
generates better life experience.
Leading a life: We have choices!! Either, we can think of our future life and
compromise our present life or simply, lead the present life to the fullest.
Most of us fall in the first category compromising this moment for the better
future. But, the simple secret is that if we live and experience the present
moment to its fullest, the future will be fine. This secret that I learned has
directed my life for greater goodness.
Present moment:
What is the definition of living in the present moment? When I get involved in
an activity or simply, when I experience a moment, the experience of space and
time become void. This means that I would have spent thirty minutes experiencing
an event but in my experience, it was like a minute. Remember those moments
where you read your interesting book or watch movies for hours together but the
hours fly in seconds. These are those “present moment” where you live in that
moment. Future will be fine & very well secured for those who experience the
present moment very often in life. It is simply because; how I live today that governs
my future.
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