
Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Going beyond our limits

Perception: Our experiences to an event vary from person to person because of the difference in the perceptions of the individuals. Event may be the same but experience to the event is different because of our own perception. Perception is a mental interpretation to the experiences that we gather through our senses.
Database: why individual perception is different & unique? The simple answer is that the life experiences of each individual are different. Siblings with the same “bring up” do not have the same life experiences. So, the perception and the so called the mental interpretation come from the already stored database which is nothing but the life experience of the individuals from birth until now.
If one realise the value of the above theory then two wonders will happen to him that may potentially change the way he leads his life.

Valuing others: No two individuals are alike because the way how they perceive is different. This realisation helps in understanding others in a better way & build good relationships. When I know that I perceive an event very different than my wife, I naturally value the way how she perceives the same event in a different way. This helps in husband wife relationship. This works well with everyone around you in building  better relationships as long as you have a conscious awareness of this truth.
New Learning: The good news that the database upon which our perception operates on is not a fixed entity. It can be upgraded. The conscious awareness of this truth helps in undoing those already stored database with new ones in the form of new learning. As grownup adults, we have now the conscious choice of upgrading the database that has moral values. When the database is filled up with good value systems that follow the universal law, the distortion to your perception will be minimized.
This now provides the reason for the existence of the good books of Bhagavat Gita, Bible etc.


We can’t function beyond what is being stored as experiences in our database. The database is nothing but a collection of life experiences from birth until this moment. Here is my simple strategy: To expand the life, update the database with good values.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Physiological Actions:

Imagine that your anger is really at its peak. There is a natural reaction of the body corresponding to this psychological change. In this changed state, your blood pressure increases, your face becomes red, your body becomes stiff and your heart beats faster. All these reactions happen so involuntarily and automatically without even your conscious control. In the same way, when you are in a state of extreme happiness, you will have great smile in your face, the cheeks blush, your eyes brightens & the whole body becomes radiant. This is also a natural reaction to your internal psychic state and you may not even aware of these changes as all of these happen involuntarily and so automatically.
Reverse effect: If one voluntarily and consciously changes his physiological state then his internal psychological state changes because of the change in the physiology. This is a powerful way to stay happy & confident in life. But, this requires a bit of self-practice & training.
For example, a simple smile on your face induces a state of joy. Keeping the chest up & with little shoulder drooped down increases the level of confidence. Keeping our eyes stable and looking into the eyes of the person standing opposite to you generates a powerful bonding. Having a stable posture with the spine straight adds stability to our mental state. Long deep breathing induces calmness in our thought process.

Changing the physiological state to change the internal psychological state is a voluntary action. Whereas, the internal psychological state that changes the physiology of the body is an involuntary reaction. So, train the body to drill your internal psychic state voluntarily.
Summary: A Change in the external physiological state reciprocates a corresponding change in the internal psychic state. An upright "chest up" posture induces an instantaneous confidence in you. Long deep breathing induces calmness.
Here is the simple strategy:
Alter your physiological body posture to get the required instant confidence in a weird situation such as meeting your boss/stranger.


Monday, 13 June 2016

Empty Space for creativity

There is no breathing space when a room is cramped with too many people. People inside the room cannot freely move & cannot enjoy the situation out there. The immediate reaction for every individual out there is to get out of the room as soon as possible to stay free.  We are all in the similar situation when our mind is occupied with too many thoughts. Fully occupied mind does not have a free space to generate new creative ideas.
Free Space: There are too many centre points to the mind when mind is occupied with too many priorities. The mind starts to revolve around those centre points. Too many revolutions with too many centre points add up chaos in the mind. Ideally, one centre point at a time gives the mind lot of headroom for revolution. So, take one thing to the maximum priority at any given time to have enough headroom.

Self-awareness: There is yet another way to create this free space in the mind. Just become aware of the mind to understand the characteristics of your mind. You may do this exercise right away now.  Stop reading this blog & simply close your eyes. Take few deep breaths. Simply become aware of the mind and watch your thought patterns. Watch the thought patterns nonjudgmentally for few minutes. Do not get involved in the thought patterns. Watch like a third person viewing your own mind.
Such a simple practice done five minutes daily provides an opportunity to understand your own mind characteristics.
Creativity: There is a space deep inside & when one reaches there, he develops the ability to generate new creative ideas. Even if you look back your own life, most of your creative ideas would have happened only when you stayed relaxed. Otherwise, we are trapped by our conditioned mind & hence, start to think & act based on our own past experiences. We have to surpass this conditioned mind. For this, stay relaxed & perform the self-awareness exercise as prescribed above.


Monday, 6 June 2016

Personal Transformation : 2D for 1T

Transformation is not simply a change. It is more than a change. Say for example, your body is conditioned to one particular state. Now, you have done some sort of weight training exercises and trained the body to move another state over a period of time. Now, you look physically different. Now the question, is this a transformation or a change? It is definitely consider as a change but can we call this change process as transformation?
Transformation means, it is a creation. You are creating something within you that changes the very fabric of your existence. The obvious difference is that your perception towards you as well as the external ambiance change dramatically. This state of your existence gives you the joy and it really attracts others towards you.
You may have thousands of drawbacks in you but this one simple creation (transformation) overpowers the rest of your drawback to keep you & others happy. This is really a transformation.

2 D’s for 1T: For your personal transformation, you need to build two different characteristics namely Determination & Discipline.
Determination: Determination is not your interest or wish. It is more than that. External circumstances are subjected to change always. We cannot control others or the ambiance. Irrespective of your external surroundings, you stay not to become lenient or uncompromised with your aim or goal. This is then defined as determination. You remain focussed with your aim when you are determined. All that you can manage is yourself and hence you can manage to stay determined too.
Discipline: Discipline means doing the actions on regular basis periodically. The body and mind have their own inbuilt intelligence and they can follow your actions only when you perform on regular basis. A new neurological pattern will be formed when one repeats the actions. Without which it is difficult to establish a new neurological wiring.
So, repetition of the actions is the key element for your success. Doing the actions for two days and forgetting those for the next three days will not take you anywhere.
New actions lead to new learning. New learning can happen only in your unknown zone. Stepping into our own discomfort zone is a mindfulness skill.Mindfullness is a skill that can be mastered by body-mind practices.

Simply, personal transformation surfaces out of your determination & discipline. Stay transformed and be happy!!