
Monday, 6 June 2016

Personal Transformation : 2D for 1T

Transformation is not simply a change. It is more than a change. Say for example, your body is conditioned to one particular state. Now, you have done some sort of weight training exercises and trained the body to move another state over a period of time. Now, you look physically different. Now the question, is this a transformation or a change? It is definitely consider as a change but can we call this change process as transformation?
Transformation means, it is a creation. You are creating something within you that changes the very fabric of your existence. The obvious difference is that your perception towards you as well as the external ambiance change dramatically. This state of your existence gives you the joy and it really attracts others towards you.
You may have thousands of drawbacks in you but this one simple creation (transformation) overpowers the rest of your drawback to keep you & others happy. This is really a transformation.

2 D’s for 1T: For your personal transformation, you need to build two different characteristics namely Determination & Discipline.
Determination: Determination is not your interest or wish. It is more than that. External circumstances are subjected to change always. We cannot control others or the ambiance. Irrespective of your external surroundings, you stay not to become lenient or uncompromised with your aim or goal. This is then defined as determination. You remain focussed with your aim when you are determined. All that you can manage is yourself and hence you can manage to stay determined too.
Discipline: Discipline means doing the actions on regular basis periodically. The body and mind have their own inbuilt intelligence and they can follow your actions only when you perform on regular basis. A new neurological pattern will be formed when one repeats the actions. Without which it is difficult to establish a new neurological wiring.
So, repetition of the actions is the key element for your success. Doing the actions for two days and forgetting those for the next three days will not take you anywhere.
New actions lead to new learning. New learning can happen only in your unknown zone. Stepping into our own discomfort zone is a mindfulness skill.Mindfullness is a skill that can be mastered by body-mind practices.

Simply, personal transformation surfaces out of your determination & discipline. Stay transformed and be happy!!

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