
Wednesday, 7 December 2016

LIVE LARGE - Traps -Part1

Traps: We are invariably caught in three different traps. For growth and successful transformation, it is not only important to become aware of these traps but also to know the rightful means to come out these webs.

1.            Information overload
2.            Autopilot mode
3.            Mass copying

Information overload: We live in the information age where the science and technology advancement is rapid. The new technology such as Facebook, twitter, whatsapp, mobile and internet are overwhelming enough and expose anyone to the abundance of information. We are constantly bombarded with plentiful of information on a daily basis. The brain has not been trained by evolution to handle such massive information leading one to distract very easily.

To become successful, there is a demand to stay focussed but we are easily distracted by the external world very easily especially in the presence of the gadgets around us. The mandate here is to stay focussed but the situation is causing one to get distracted & this is completely a contradiction. Even few decades before, we did not have this web of information in the form of distraction. The attention faculty of the brain has deteriorated in the last few decades. People cannot stay attentive for an extended period of time. The brain has not evolved for this kind of this new external situation and it is a challenge now to deal with this new circumstances. Research says that on an average fifty percentage of the time, our mind roams and moves out of task in hand. This is a real trap & one needs special skills to train the brain to develop his attention span. These are learnable skills and the brain can be trained within a span of few months to come out this trap.

Autopilot mode: We lead our life in a kind of autopilot mode. This means, we do things without the involvement of our conscious mind. In fact, ninety percent of our daily activities such as brushing the teeth, taking bath, the way how we communicate & the way how we perceive the external situations are governed by the autopilot mode. There are two levels to this autopilot mode.
a.            Behaviour pattern
b.            Inbuilt Intelligence

Inbuilt intelligence is the one which we have discussed in our earlier chapter. These are the involuntary automated systems such as our heart beat, blood circulation, digestive systems etc. All these systems function by themselves without our conscious presence.
Let us understand the behaviour pattern, a level above the inbuilt intelligence. This is yet another pattern that runs on autopilot mode. Behaviour pattern is the specific way we think & act to the numerous situations. Our thinking & action to a given situation is not the same as that of the others. Each one thinks & acts differently for the same situation. Hence, the results are always different for different people even though the situation presented is the same. .......................cont....

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