
Wednesday 6 September 2017

Live Large - Limited Belief

Limited belief is a belief that one cannot execute certain task & he feels that he has limited resource and unable to perform the tasks. This kind of situation naturally constricts the person and eventually hampers the growth.
Initially, a person tries to do a new task which he has not done before. Let us assume that he has failed in executing the task. He tries again & he fails one more time. With multiple failures, he may come to the conclusion that he is not good enough to execute the task. This is now imprinted in his memory.

But the questions: What are his resource capabilities? What are the resources that the task demands and what are the resource gaps? Now, if one moves mindfully in extending his resources (not too far or too less) then he will get sufficient time to gauge in real time the resource needs that the task demands. Eventually, he may not end up completing the task at one go but he would have learned to step into that unknown area mindfully and get adapted to this new demand. This is really a big step and a great achievement. He has now experienced this area which allows him to stretch his resource little further next time when the opportunity presents. Over a period of time, he will develop the ability to enhance the resource to complete the task.

With the absence of the mindfulness, a limited belief constricts a person. Then over a period, this construction really takes a shape & practically starts to limit a person. It is unfortunate that we only nurture the construction that is being imposed upon us. We are not experimenting ourselves with the evolutionary energy & hence we are limited.

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