
Sunday, 10 November 2013

Are you living with your ideals governed by external forces?

All along in our life, we are constantly conditioning our mind with the values governed by the external means from the society, family & friends. Initially, at our younger age as a child, we didn’t have our own set of core values defined and so we started to adopt the values set from the external world. We were taught that those values by default were good values such as, going to good school, getting good grades, excelling ourselves in the academics & getting into  good employment, becoming comfortable with the living means and so on.

As we grow older, going through the different phases of the life as a child, teenage & as a grown up adult, every one of us has come to a stage where if not all, at least some of the values are not working well for us.
This has happened to me at one point of my life. After having all the luxuries of good family, great kids, higher education, good title in the company & many of the financial wealth, I expected a joyful and happier life .But, there was always a sense of incompleteness & I was not clear enough at that time to understand what was that which had become incomplete in me?

As I started experiencing the life, there was a stage where I had some serious illness which had given me an opportunity to slow down & review my life. As I realized the externally forced values had not given me the kind of life what I expected it to deliver & I reprogrammed my mind to pick up the values whatever deemed to be good based on my level of awareness and built up new core values which I thought would bridge the gap between my real life to my ideal life. Fortunately, it worked GREAT!! It not only cleared my health condition in more holistic way, but led me to perceive my life differently but in a good way.

This new perceived thinking created a greater space in my mind. This became the starting point of so called MY FREE MIND. With the free mind, new ideas started to surface out beautifully to me. Sometime, the ideas in a day were so overwhelming that I needed some way to capture and write down all those ideas as a journal. New ideas lead me to new way of thinking which lead me again to new actions. The world around me started to manifest in a different way, but in a very good way.

The above processes are still continuing in me on day today basis.  All, I can say for now is that life is more beautiful .I am leading the life with clear focused goals with higher ideals and thoughts.

So, to put my learning’s in simple terms.
Build  strong core values à Great Health à Free Mind à Great Actions à Perfect world  
In other words, when Health is not good in you, one can’t manifest a perfect world around you. This is a big idea & really a very strong statement.

So, here is my question to you. How your core values are defined within you? These values become the fundamentals in defining your belief system. Based on your belief system follows your thinking & action. This gives raise to the world that you create around you. If you see and feel the world around you is not an ideal one then please work on your core values and fundamentals. Throw away the values that do not serve you better even though those are imposed on you by the external force. Go by your intuition, build strong fundamentals, greater belief system that work for you and create a space in your mind. Let positive thought, action surface out from this free mind & provide a life that you love to live.

So, start to act on building your strong core values NOW & TODAY!! Build great Health & free mind that give raise to the manifestation of perfect world around you.


Rita Gera said...

I think, the points mentioned in the first paragraph are not values, these are the necessities to maintain a certain living standard. That said happiness has to be derived from day-to-day little (or big) things one does be at work, taking care of house, looking after kids etc. Most important is to find atleast 1 hour per day (minimum) to have "me time" to unwind. Also, I think it is important to have one self-less goal in life that will make a difference to the society. Yoga/meditation will certainly help with health and focus!

Personal Mastery said...

Great comment Ritu. Initially , we were driven by necessities that had set out our values.As you said correctly, happiness can be experienced moment to moment in the small little things we do."me time" is a real necessity but the question is that are we practicing this on regular day today basis?? From my experience with clients,many of them know intellectually but when it comes to putting in practice only few succeed.