
Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Know the tips to get rid of negative energy

Our body is a structure made of innumerable number of molecules. Yes, it is a massive molecular structure which has the ability to hold the energy. We are in a state of perfect health when the flow of energy inside our body is effortless and at ease. We are in harmony with the universal energy that can be called as nature. We are set to be in an unbalanced state when this energy flow is blocked. Positive energy locks to a rhythmic state and thereby we enjoy inner peace and harmony. A negative energy state blocks the flow of energy and disturbs this rhythm.
There are two ways by which a body can hold the negative energy. A self inflicted intrinsic negative state where one worries or fears for some reasons that cause stress to him. Stress is a natural process and it is considered healthy when it is short-lived. But, when the stress is extended for a prolonged duration of time then it causes chronic diseases in the body. There is another means by which a body holds the negative energy. This is an extrinsic negative state caused by the influence of others. This happens when one holds a grudge, is greedy, envious etc towards others. As these emotions do not serve us any good, we should know how to discharge these negative charges that stick to our body.

I would like to share with you some of the exercises which I have been practicing for years.
1.       Earthing exercise: As you know we are made up of and surrounded by pancha bootha, the five nature elements namely water, earth, fire, space and air. For example, our body is filled up with seventy percentage of water and the planet earth in which we live is surrounded by seventy percentage of water. Our ancestors were in constant contact with each and every element of these five natural elements that surrounded them. In the modern world, we are in constant contact with four of the natural elements. We breathe air, we are under the direct influence of sun (fire), we occupy space and we drink water. But, we are isolated from the earth. Obviously, we live on the earth and hence we are connected to the earth. But, are we in direct contact with the earth? Mostly, we either wear slippers or shoes inside the house as well as when we go out. Even when we are bare foot inside the house, we are obviously in contact with the floor but in direct contact with the natural form of the earth. It surprises us to know that we seldom are bare foot and in direct contact to the soil of the earth.
Recent researches have shown that the earth has the ability to absorb the negative charges that are stored in our body. When we are in direct contact with the earth, we can discharge the negative charges thereby reducing the stress. In USA and some of the European countries, there are earthing products available that ground our body to earth and thereby reduce our stress.
Gardening with our bare foot is the simplest and natural way to ground ourselves. Please consider taking up the gardener’s role if you have a garden at your house and engaged a gardener to water the plants. So, do gardening for at least fifteen minutes two or three times per week. BY doing so, you have an added advantage of enjoying the flowers and plants which make you feel relaxed.

2.       Art of forgiveness: As a human being, we have the reasoning ability and we know consciously not to have bitterness towards other. The problem is that we know this fact intellectually but not experientially. We sometime develop bitterness with others and in that process, strain the relationship with families and friends.  Forgiveness can be practiced and can be trained to be our innate nature. The brain can be trained and the mind can be altered to develop this habit permanently. Remember the human system is highly adaptable. Do you know why a blind person has high hearing ability? He has naturally trained his ears to become highly sensitive due to the defect of his eyes. Similarly, if we practice forgiveness for 21 days, it becomes our habit. Trust me, it works!! It is the greatest tonic to have a stress free life. The best way to practice this exercise is to sit in a relaxed state every day for 5 minutes and bring to your mind at least five experiences that happened in the last 24 hours which really hurt your feelings. Then bring to your mind, the person or group of people responsible for that bad incident. Then forgive them consciously by saying mentally, “I am forgiving you”. Also, you seek forgiveness from them too. Tell mentally, “Please forgive me in case, I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowingly”. This practice appears to be crazy and ridiculous but believe me, it is really powerful stuff.

Initial days of my practice, I had innumerable number of people to forgive. But with continuous practice, the number gradually reduced. Now, I am in a state of mind where I don’t have anyone to forgive and so I have started to forgive terrorists, politicians etcJ

3.       Art of giving away: As much as we give away that much returns back to us. This is the law of nature. If you throw a ball to the wall, the ball returns back to you with the same intensity with which you threw it. Similarly, the positive energy returns back to us and nullifies the accumulated negative charges. Contribution is one sure means to feel a COMPLETE LIFE.

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