
Wednesday, 15 January 2014

The art of achieving perfect health

Health is a balanced state of our being at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Achieving a perfect balanced state merely at one or two levels does not guarantee good health. Say for example, if we have a great fitness level that doesn't imply we have perfect health. Both fitness and health are completely different. There are cases where people have high fitness levels but still have many health related issues. So, health is holistic in nature.
Let us observe the present scenario that is happening around us now. When we have a health issue, we go to the doctor and mostly the treatment is done at the physical level by understanding the symptoms and accordingly the prescription is given. This is a symptom based diagnosis. The treatment is given to suppress the symptom but does not attempt to solve the root cause of the problem at the deeper level. So, naturally, the problem manifests elsewhere in the body. We visit the doctor again but this time with yet another prescription suggested to us. This process goes on and on. We work on solving the symptoms but do not attempt to cure the disease. This is so absurd.
Based on my years of experience and after learning the art of achieving a perfectly healthy body, I can say that each one of us can come out of this mess once and for all from most of the psychosomatic lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, migraine etc as well as autoimmune diseases such as thyroid, arthritis, etc. This is possible provided we increase our level of awareness and proper understanding of this subject. For this, I have defined below a simplified human model .I request you to get a grip and understanding of this model.
There are four components in this model namely the mind, emotions, the body and the environment (nature) .If we understand the function of these components and the interaction between the components then with that awareness it is easy to achieve the optimum health.

The mind can be classified into the thinking mind (conscious mind) and the emotional mind (subconscious mind). As a baby, the thinking mind has not evolved and the baby operates on the subconscious mind. Subconscious mind is the one which controls all the automated processes within us like our heart beat, respiration, digestion, blood circulation, immune system etc. In case of a baby, since the conscious mind is not functional, the automated set point is in a default state. This default state is something similar to animals that operate instinctively. This automated process keeps the body in a vibrational state that is in perfect sync with nature. In this default set point state, the energy like a stream flows through the body freely and seamlessly.
For a grown up adult, we have now the thinking brain and depending on our thinking, the vibrational state of the body changes. Remember this vibration is picked up as feeling by our conscious mind. This vibration or feeling is called emotion. So, when we have thoughts associated with some bad event that generates negative vibration state and is picked up by the conscious mind as fear, worry and anxiety. In this case, the set point moves from its default state causing unbalance in the system. This in turn changes the blood pressure, heart rate, perspiration rate, pulse rate to the higher rate. Unfortunately, if we are locked in this particular layer of mind where the bad incident gets replayed again and again then we will be permanently locked in the altered vibrational state that leads to chronic disease state. Such an altered vibrational state builds tremendous tension in the body. This is like squeezing our heart so tightly with our palms and as the tension builds up, it is guaranteed that the heart breaks at one point leading to cardio disease.
Another reason for the unbalanced state is due to suppressed emotions. Sometimes, because of various reasons, some of us do not express our emotions and instead of it, we suppress consciously our emotions. This suppressed emotion is stored in the nervous system and at another random time or trigger of some event, this suppressed emotions come out and alter the vibrational state causing the disease. As long as the suppression is there, there is always the blockage of energy in the body.
We have now an understanding of the relations between mind, emotion and body. Now, what about the level of our awareness? Do we need to operate at the level of awareness as mentioned in the 2nd Para (i.e. working on the symptoms) or expand our awareness to a level where we operate on the root cause of the problem?  To me the body is such a wonderful and intelligent machine. Intelligent in the sense that it has the ability to self correct and balance itself. YES! It is a self correction and self balancing machine. Say for example, when you had a cut in your face, the blood started to come out from the face but within few minutes the clotting took place stopping further flow of blood from the cut. Do you think clotting of blood is such a simple mechanism? No, it is an incredibly powerful and intelligent mechanism set in place for monitoring, providing feedback and restoring the original state. Please google and probe the mechanism underlying this phenomenon. By questioning and analyzing, it is possible to improve our intellectual knowledge and hence our level of awareness. Alternatively, self awareness practices help in improving awareness experientially. This heightened awareness makes to respect and value the body and we don’t show ‘take it for granted’ attitude to our body.
Such a powerful and incredible machine, our body is given to all of us and it is set in place for each one of us. Also, as explained earlier, as a baby, we all had a beautiful disease free body. But, now as a grown up adult, we are not only having one but multiple diseases set in our body operating away from our natural default state.  For sure, the major causes are our thinking mind i.e. the mindset and the level of awareness.

It is our choice to decide what to feed in to the thinking mind. If we put right things in our thinking mind then we can set the vibration in the default state in alignment and harmony to nature. Please read the blog on nine practical ways to stay positive. If we put wrong things in our mind then we disturb the balance of the body. We are having the freedom to choose and it is our conscious choice!!

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