Life is one complete learning experience. Learning
experiences become limited when we do the same things in routine each day. To
have wider variations of the life experiences, it is important to try new
things and do the existing routine work differently. It is our mistake to
expect the results to be different while we go on with the same things in life.
We have to do things differently to get different results.
Resistance to change:
The tendency of human is to show resistance to the changes. We take the
shortest and least resistant path in life. Due to this characteristic, we eventually
fall back to the normal routine of life even though we take up new challenges
Way to go: There
should be a motivational factor to try something differently. Our goals in life
act as strong motivational factors. Whatever things we wish to try differently
should be in alignment with our goals. Say for example, if our intention is to
lose weight to become healthy then losing weight becomes our motivational
factor to try some new physical exercises. Here, the new changes will become
effective only when we develop the ability to capture the minute details of the
developmental changes. Again, our tendency is to expect bigger and grosser
results and when we fail to see the minute developmental changes, we tend to
lose the interest and we fallback to our routine life. So, the key point here
is to look for the small delta differences (minute developmental changes) for
the new change to become effective.
Daily Two questions: Daily,
make it as practice to ask the following two questions. A) What did I do
differently in life today? B) What did I learn from today’s life experiences?
The first question is related to our conscious effort whereas the second one is
the effect of our conscious effort. This is similar to throwing a fishing net (our
conscious effort) and our catch (different color fishes, different sizes etc) in
the fishing net is the effect of our conscious effort which we can call as our
life experiences.
Areas to focus: Once
we decide to do things differently, it is important to focus in all the
dimensions of life or at least, those areas where we have our weakness. In
general, one can focus on health, fitness, material wealth, finances, relationships,
skill development and spiritual development. Instead of focusing on all the
different dimensions of the life, it is better to start with the areas where we
have our weakness. If one asks the above two questions very specific to the
areas where we have weakness then one notices a remarkable twist in those
specific areas of life.
Journaling the
points: When one practices, it is important to register in writing all the
points related to the two questions: What did I do differently and what did I
learn from today’s life experiences. Writing of the experiences triggers the
higher center of the brain, the so-called thinking brain. This directs our
awareness to certain explicit activities.