
Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Positive expression of life with one simple habit

Habit-Subconscious program: There is a power in practice. Regular practice is a true delight. It is our conscious choice that plays a major role during the initial days of our practice. Our actions during the initial days were deliberate and intentional. After certain period of time, the effect of our practice slowly takes a shape as our habits. Habit is our subconscious programming our conscious choice. As known to you, our habits play a major role in governing our life. To a large extent, our behavioral pattern is also decided by our habits.
As per the brain science, regular practice has the ability to program certain neural paths in the nervous system. The wiring of the neural circuits becomes stronger and over period of time, the practice becomes our second nature and as a result a habit is formed.
An Ideal Day: A day has its own composition. It operates in a cyclic manner. It is composed of three different states: a) a holistic ( sattvic) balanced state b) active state ( rajasic) and c) inert state ( tamasic). We experience these three states in a day. When we get up from bed, we experience a balanced state where we sense a state of calmness and freshness that gives rise to a free mind. It is a powerful state where one experiences the inherent powers within him. This happens typically 4-6AM in the early hours of the day. During most of the day time, we usually become active doing our work. This is a stimulating state. As the day comes to an end, we move on to the third state, the state of inertness. We take rest and go to bed at night. This is a state of relaxation.

We can also define these three states with a different perspective. An active stimulating state followed by a relaxing state yields a balanced holistic state. Yoga by definition is an alternating state of relaxation and stimulation which yields a balanced state.

A day of a modern man: Most of the men in the modern day keep their active state longer. They tend to work until late and go to bed late at night. Eventually, they get up late in the morning and hence they miss the opportunity to experience the balanced holistic state. In this case, they experience a high and long active state followed by a short relaxing state with minimal or no experience of the balanced state. In the absence of a free mind, they do not get fresh ideas and a fresh lease of life and they get trapped in a vicious circle. They tend to do the same thing in life everyday that yields the same kind of results, resulting in a monotonous life.
Develop the habit: To transform this monotonous life, the first thing we need to do is to experience this sattvic holistic balanced state. When we have a free mind in this state, we get fresh ideas and hence we do things differently and hence we experience life differently. To experience this balanced holistic state, practice getting up early in the morning. If you practice for a few weeks then it will automatically become a habit. It is an ideal way of creating your ‘ME’ time. This new habit changes the life, the way how you experience right now.
So, develop this new habit and see how it has a positive influence in your life.

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