
Monday, 9 June 2014

How to get the things that you need in life?

There are four major areas in life namely health, fitness, wealth, relationship and self development that need to be balanced. We have a fulfilling life when we live at our peak in all the major areas of our life. You may want to build a great healthy lifestyle. But, in spite of your genuine efforts, you may witness low progress in meeting the end result. This blog is written to provide you with a clear answer in achieving easily the result which you desire.
Strong Desire: Whatever your intention may be. It might be to have a fitter body, to achieve a wealthier life or to have a better relationship. The intention when converted into a burning strong desire then easily the end result can be achieved. If the intention is just a part of our wish list then it stays inert at that level without significant progress. If someone shows us a path to achieve a wealthier life and if we simply wish to a have wealthier life then it is just an addition to our existing wish list and we won’t see progress in that area of life. Intention without a strong desire just means that we fancy the result of that intention but we don’t have true bond with it. When there is no bonding, there is a distance and there is no connectedness to our intention and to our inner self.

Difference between Love & Like: Love is different than our liking. Liking is similar to have a wishlist.It is just a wish & we fancy something. Whereas love is bonding our intention to our inner self. We love our intention when we care for it, give due respect to it and offer high value to it. If we respect our desires then the respect comes to us in multifold. This is a powerful law of nature. So, all we need to do is to respect our intentions if we would like to achieve the desired result.
Test with your own experience: Now, to test and validate the above two points, let us pick two areas of your life. One in which you have become happy and successful and the other in which you have experienced some failure. Say for example, you have bad heath but great relationships with family & friends. In this example, if you observe the area of relationships, you naturally would have exhibited a strong bonding, strong desire, great care, respect and high value to your relationships. You will also able to observe the exact opposite in the area of health. You will be experiencing a sense of disconnectedness, lack of bonding, lack of value and respect when it comes to health.

If you want to get the things that you need in life then it is important to first develop genuine respect and bonding to the things that you desire. Once this foundation is established then the rest is taken care by the law of nature to reach the desired outcome.

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