
Thursday, 27 November 2014


Setting a Health & Fitness goal and achieving our desired goal is one part of the story. But, to retain the health in the same good state is another part of the story. On many real life cases, those who achieved the good health and fitness level fall back again to that imperfect health state from where they originally started from. Weight management is one such case where many of us use certain methods to achieve the perfect fitness level but in a matter of a year fairly a substantial set of those achievers fall back to the undesired fitness level again. This not only demotivates us but has a nasty effect on our emotional wellbeing. But, on a positive note, there are some who not only set& achieve health goal but also have the ability to maintain the desired state. This is really GOOD. To add to this, there are some who not only maintain but they move on to reach the ultimate of their health & fitness level. This is really AWESOME. Want to know the SECRET of these AWESOME club members?
Constant flow:  Perfect health fitness level is a high energy state. The energy in this state is awe-inspiring. It has great influence in all other dimensions of our life such as wealth, money, relationship & spiritual growth. The first set of rule is to allow the energy to flow from you to others.  Let this good energy gets in through you and flows out of you seamlessly. All we need to do is to act as a MEDIUM for this energy to flow immaculately without any blockade.

It multiplies: As we stay in the constant flow mode, we act as a water spring. As one takes more of the water from the spring, the spring generates more of the fresh water. All we need to do is to give the wisdom to as many people as possible for our goodness to multiply.
Go Giver: We work on ME-MINE-OTHERS dimensions. Initially, we act as a GO GETTER to acquire the desired wisdom in the ME & MINE dimensions. “ME” is the dimension where we upgrade our skills & “MINE” is the dimension, we upgrade our environment where we spent our energy. Once when we cross this stage, it is important to act as a GO GIVER in passing on the acquired wisdoms to OTHERS. This completes the cycle. So, we have to be a GO GETTER as well as a GO GIVER.
Higher Penetration Level: We have to make it as our duty to talk about this wisdom the people to whom we meet and feel about the goodness & be gratified. The magical world opens up beautifully for us to stay there for ever. The penetration level is really deep with the simple act of the above said duty.
Energy Booster: We have our own great moments and sometimes even dull moments. In our dull moments, surprisingly with no logical explanation, the right source of positive energy from the external world hits us to take us back in the right track. This external energy is nothing but the positive energy that we threw out to the external world in our past. It is now coming back to us to put us back in the desired state.

Become a Transceiver: A transceiver is a transmitter and a receiver. Let us simply stay as a transmitter in passing on the wisdom to others and that is our duty. And, stay as a receiver when we need the energy from the external world to uplift us in our dull moments of our life. A beautiful human wellness network is formed when each one of us follow this simple pattern. So, here is my request for all my old clients who have achieved their perfect Health & Fitness level. Become a transmitter of the goodness that you acquired to at least TEN people to create a RIPPLE effect and form this powerful Human wellness NETWORK. This simple act of you not only retains your wisdom but it MULTIPLIES your wellness.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Journal: Experience the power of FOCUS

Journal: Writing Journal and Diary are different. Journal is written with explicit things in mind. It is like writing the experiences very specific to an already predefined goal. This tracks your progress towards that particular objective. For example, if you have decided to set a goal to lose weight by certain amount in certain period of time then the journal defines the experiences of the actions that you have taken on daily basis to achieve the desired objective. For example, a gratitude journal specifically defines the relevant experiences and the relevant persons to whom one wants to express their gratitude.
Words: Word is powerful. Words reflect the internal dialogue, our own self talk that happens inside our head. For example, if someone says, “I can’t do it”. This means that the person is under the gun at work. The language made out of the words is the label of our experience. We judge the experience as good or bad.  For example, “This practice is not going anywhere. What a waste of time?” This creates plasticity in the brain. Words create impression and psychological effect.
Emotionalise with words: While writing journal, it is important to pick up the right words that provide the positive vibes and positive emotion to us. Emotionalise our experience with the words. For ex, use words such as awesome, great, love, wonderful & beautiful. The deeper level of the mind can understand the picture and hence to make greater impression of our experiences, one can also draw pictures of the experiences in the journal.

Set the direction: Journaling is nothing but a selective memory retrieval mechanism of our experiences that have taken place in a day and reinforcing and storing the experiences back again in the brain by writing with the carefully crafted words and pictures. This practice when done on daily basis as rituals, it not only programs your brain with specific experiences but also tunes the brain to automatically look for such specific experiences that would happen in future.
Power of focus: Over a period of time, as we develop the habit of journaling, we get to become more focused on the specific task that has the priority in life. As per the recent research, our brain can’t able to multitask. So, doing one thing at a time is much smarter way than doing many things at one time. The habit of journaling makes us more focussed and keeps us in compliance with the natural design of the brain. The power of focus allows us to concentrate all our energies 100% for a single task than distributing the energies 20% to five different tasks.
Childish play: Many times, we think we operate life at pro level but in reality we deal life at kindergarten level. Initially, when I was introduced the concept of writing a journal, I thought it was a childish play & waste of time. But, after having my first-hand experience, all I can say is that we operate really at a pro level in real life with the development of such a new habit.

So, just a give a try for a month of this practice & if it works then inevitably it becomes your new habit.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Monitor to manage you

In the fast paced life, we are bombarded with too many information, experiences and events in any given single day. At any given time, we are overwhelmed with too many tasks. This leads us to have a feel that we are scattered all over the places. To overcome such an issue, I practice a monitoring/centring exercise as part of my daily rituals.
ME Time: Set aside five minutes of our time in a day as your ME time. ME time is nothing but giving an appointment to yourself. It is centring practice that asks the two questions. What is happening in my life? What is happening within me? All the information, experiences and events of the day are stored in the body, mind and also as emotions. During this practice, it is our duty to throw away all those craps that do not serve us.

Disturbed state: One experiences a disturbed mental state only when he concentrates too much on one particular area of the life for too long and for too many days. This causes a mental blockage. The four major areas of life are Health& fitness, wealth, relationship & spiritual development. The best way of the practice is to divert the awareness equally to the experiences of all the major areas of life. Such is the simplicity of this practice and one doesn’t need to go a trained meditative state to become aware of the experiences in the four major areas.
This way, it allows a person to centre by introspection of the experiences in all the major areas of life each day for few minutes. This monitoring process provides a handle to manage the life in a better way.
Mimic the internal centring process: The entire systems inside of our body such as the digestive, blood circulatory systems maintain balance by working in close loop by monitoring the signals. For example, the blood sugar level is maintained constant in a stable state by means of the receptors in the pancreas & the management is done by the secretion of the insulin. This is an automatic subconsciously controlled loop. We simply need to mimic this mechanism consciously when it comes to life experiences.
Most of the health issues, relationship issues are due to the mismanagement of this centring a result of it, life slips form the balanced state without our conscious knowledge.
Preset values: It is important to organise the mind with right set of good values defined by the universal laws. In such case where the values are predefined, by default the right monitoring, correction and management happen in a right way. We move with the positive energy.

As a part of the daily rituals, spending five minutes of your time in practicing this centring/monitoring exercise is analogous to the filling up of the gas to the car. By this practice, we drive and move forward in life with vigour.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Strategies to achieve a perfect Health

We all have good intention to have a great health. But, reality is always different and sometimes, health is just the polarity opposite of what exactly we intend to have. In some cases, we even suffer poor health. What is the reason to have such an opposite effect or not to have a desired perfect health condition? In many cases, when it comes to health, our behaviour is different than our intention. Behaviour and intention are not in alignment. For example, we may want to lose weight but our behaviour in dealing our daily life activities such as exercising, diet may not be in alignment with our intention. So, on long run, our resolution does not yield the desired result and hence, we fall back to the same original state where we originally kick started.
Conscious mind: Intention, goal setting and desire are the conscious decisions from the rational part of the mind controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain. This is such an easy part do it in the whole of setting and achieving the goals. This is what exactly we do when we set our goal such as New Year resolution. We human are innately programmed to set our life in an evolutionary path that seeks growth and hence setting a goal is always easy. The next step to have a perfect health is to have some sort of planning, strategies & processes. This second step is also under the complete control of the left hemisphere of the brain. So, our health goal setting, planning & strategies put together are all part of the conscious mind.

Subconscious mind: Our action based on the planning is also a decision controlled by our conscious mind. Now, we may have to take series of actions to achieve the desired perfect health. This is a phase where most of us fall apart. We don’t get the momentum to carry forward with the same intensity as we have had at the beginning. This is the phase where most of us fail and we fall back again to the same original state. Our old HABITS which are engrained deep within us become the root cause for such a failure. Our habits determine our present behaviour patterns. We are habitual animals and our habits are determined mainly by our own BELIEF system. These two components namely the HABIT and the BELIEF are controlled by our subconscious mind. We really need an enormous energy to change our belief and habit patterns.
Success of Health: We can only prosper very well to have a perfect health only when we keep our belief, habit, and our action plan & health goal all in perfect alignment to one another. If we work on the same old belief and habit then we may expect the same old result. We need to break this old habit patterns.
Two tactics: To break the old pattern, we need to have a good start point to achieve the goal and secondly the right momentum is required to take us in the right direction. A good start point can be achieved by means of affirmation and visualisation techniques. Our desired health goal needs to be affirmed and visualised very often to generate the essential happy emotion within us. All we need to do is to creatively visualise the feeling of having achieved the desired health & fitness?

Secondly, to gain the momentum, we need to develop a reward procedure where we intentionally look for a small positive result out of our action. In general, it is normal and natural that we tend to lose momentum as we move towards in achieving our health goal. Searching out for the small positive progress helps in building up the momentum. On long run, all those small positive results when compounded together yield the desired big positive result.