Setting a Health & Fitness goal and achieving our
desired goal is one part of the story. But, to retain the health in the same
good state is another part of the story. On many real life cases, those who
achieved the good health and fitness level fall back again to that imperfect
health state from where they originally started from. Weight management is one
such case where many of us use certain methods to achieve the perfect fitness
level but in a matter of a year fairly a substantial set of those achievers fall
back to the undesired fitness level again. This not only demotivates us but has
a nasty effect on our emotional wellbeing. But, on a positive note, there are
some who not only set& achieve health goal but also have the ability to
maintain the desired state. This is really GOOD. To add to this, there are some
who not only maintain but they move on to reach the ultimate of their health
& fitness level. This is really AWESOME. Want to know the SECRET of these
AWESOME club members?
Constant flow: Perfect health fitness level is a high energy
state. The energy in this state is awe-inspiring. It has great influence in all
other dimensions of our life such as wealth, money, relationship & spiritual
growth. The first set of rule is to allow the energy to flow from you to
others. Let this good energy gets in
through you and flows out of you seamlessly. All we need to do is to act as a MEDIUM
for this energy to flow immaculately without any blockade.
It multiplies: As
we stay in the constant flow mode, we act as a water spring. As one takes more
of the water from the spring, the spring generates more of the fresh water. All
we need to do is to give the wisdom to as many people as possible for our goodness
to multiply.
Go Giver: We work
on ME-MINE-OTHERS dimensions. Initially, we act as a GO GETTER to acquire the
desired wisdom in the ME & MINE dimensions. “ME” is the dimension where we
upgrade our skills & “MINE” is the dimension, we upgrade our environment
where we spent our energy. Once when we cross this stage, it is important to
act as a GO GIVER in passing on the acquired wisdoms to OTHERS. This completes
the cycle. So, we have to be a GO GETTER as well as a GO GIVER.
Higher Penetration Level:
We have to make it as our duty to talk about this wisdom the people to whom we
meet and feel about the goodness & be gratified. The magical world opens up
beautifully for us to stay there for ever. The penetration level is really deep
with the simple act of the above said duty.
Energy Booster:
We have our own great moments and sometimes even dull moments. In our dull moments,
surprisingly with no logical explanation, the right source of positive energy from
the external world hits us to take us back in the right track. This external energy
is nothing but the positive energy that we threw out to the external world in
our past. It is now coming back to us to put us back in the desired state.
Become a Transceiver:
A transceiver is a transmitter and a receiver. Let us simply stay as a
transmitter in passing on the wisdom to others and that is our duty. And, stay
as a receiver when we need the energy from the external world to uplift us in
our dull moments of our life. A beautiful human wellness network is formed when
each one of us follow this simple pattern. So, here is my request for all my
old clients who have achieved their perfect Health & Fitness level. Become
a transmitter of the goodness that you acquired to at least TEN people to
create a RIPPLE effect and form this powerful Human wellness NETWORK. This
simple act of you not only retains your wisdom but it MULTIPLIES your wellness.
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