Sun salutation is an integral part of the yoga practice. It
is a sequence of 12 postures and the practitioner move in a flow from one posture
to another posture in a cycle. In this blog, let me describe the way how I have
interpreted this sun salutation practice.
Energy Generation
& Leakage: At first, let us see how to generate energy. Energy is
generated by movement. For example, Earth generates energy by rotation. Exercises produce movement to the body and hence
with proper form of exercise, it is possible to generate energy.
Secondly, the energy gets leaked out when the posture of the
body is not correct. The gravitational force to the body plays a key role in
the leakage of current. Engaging the core and retaining the neutral spine posture
are important to avoid the leakage of energy. For example, a slouching sitting
posture leaks the energy to the ground. An upright posture with the neutral
spine retains the energy. An engaged core with the pelvic levelling retains the
energy. An unengaged core with pelvic tilting spills the energy to the ground.
Spine Alignment:
In sun salutation practice, let us observe the cyclic alignment of the spine
with the reference to the gravitational force. For this, I have a drawn the
arrow marks from the core for each of the postures. One can observe the
movement of spine in all the major directions from the core which is the centre
of mass for our body. The energy is
generated mainly due to the movement of the body and alignment of spine taking
into account the gravitational force that acts on the body. The spine takes six
different alignments in one cycle of sun salutation.
Throughout the practice of sun salutation, we engage the
core and retain the neutral spine and hence we prevent the leakage of energy to
the ground.
Left Hemisphere activation:
For the Ashwa Sanchalanasana or the equestrian posture in step 3 & 9 of the
sun salutation, we intentionally use the same right leg to move forward in
posture 3 and backward in posture 9. This is solely to activate the left
hemisphere of the brain. The peripheral motor system activation is
contralateral to the brain stimulation. The left side of the brain controls the
right side of the body. The left hemisphere is all about logical thinking,
analytical reasoning & decision making while the right hemisphere is associated
with the creativity & intuition. In other words, the left hemisphere of the
brain is associated with stimulation of the body while the right side is
associated with the relaxation.
So, the practice of sun salutation is in a way stimulates
the body due to the activation of the left hemisphere of the brain. This is one
such reason why the body generates heat by the practice of sun salutation.
I will cover some other key aspects of sun salutation in my
next blog.