
Thursday, 13 August 2015

Mental Disposition & the state of Health

Our mental disposition plays a vital role in determining the state of our health. I am writing this particular subject based on my own personal experience. But, there are some scientific studies that support this idea too.
My faith and belief structures took a leap jump from where I was a decade before to where I am now. Obviously, the life experiences during this ten years period were instrumental in changing my belief system and hence my mental outlook. One of the major changes is the way how I associate myself with the diseases that are hereditary in nature.
In family, we may run family inherited diseases such obesity, diabetes, cancer etc. This may be passed on from one generation to next generation in the family by transmission of the defective genes. I am sure that every one of us would have seen this family inherited disease happening within our family or families of our friends, neighbours, colleagues etc.
Epigenetic: Obviously, we carry the blood that runs with the defective genes and without doubt that the defective genes play a major role in the transmission of the particular disease. In the recent times, a new field has evolved in the medical field which is called “Epigenetic”. To put it simply, the expression of the genes depends on the environment in which the genes thrives. Let us take an example of the family that runs with the defective diabetic genes. There is a probability that majority of the family members have diabetes manifested in their body while few of the family members do not have any sort of symptoms of diabetes. For the lucky few, the environment in which the defective genes survived is different than that of the ones with the diabetes manifested in the body. This is what exactly happened in my personal life and I am one of that lucky few.

Environment: Having understood that the environment plays a vital role in the expression of the defective genes, now the immediate question is to know how to handle the environment to work in our favour? The science says that the associated protein shape & structure play role in the expression of the genes. I do not comment on this because of my limited knowledge in this particular subject but from my personal experience, I can firmly say our mental disposition and the associated faith and belief structure play the major roles for the family inherited diseases to manifest.
Seed for the Expression: If one thinks that he may get arthritis because his mom had it at his age then this simple thought process when repeated multiple times become his newly formed belief structure. In day today life even when he has a simple knee problem, the newly formed faith has established so well that he automatically in all likelihood get a thought with the doubt that this pain could be an initial sign of the arthritis. Unknowingly, in no time, he is creating a breeding ground, a favourable environment for the genes to express & here, we have now a person with a new tag of the arthritis in his reality. Our belief and our thought process alone are good enough to create and get into the new diseased state. Such is the effect of our mental thought process in manifestation of the diseases.

So, believe in confidence that it is not necessary that you need to undergo the family inherited diseases even though you possess the defective genes running your blood. All, you need to do is to have a hygienic mental disposition and how you associate with the family inherited defies. I found out my path through yoga to gain such a fresh mental state. It is not only that I do not manifest any of my family run genes even though I carry those but also; it is a fact that I have never visited a doctor in that last eight years. Such, is the power of our mental disposition. May I know your path to get this hygienic mental state?

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