
Monday, 5 October 2015

Reconfigure : Experience the abundance of the life

Our experience of the external world is determined by the way how our internal world is configured. We are an integrated system where the body, mind, emotion, intelligence and ego work together to experience the life. Yes, one can experience the abundance and the positivity of the life if he knows how to train and reconfigure himself to tune to this abundance.
Many years before, I was introduced to the practice of “forgiveness”& “gratitude” exercise by one of my spiritual friend. I did not buy the idea of practicing this exercise as it was not at all convincing and compelling to me. But, he insisted me to practice for at least a month and he said, “The practice has the ability to reconfigure the brain to act and think in a positive way that helps in observing the abundance of the life”.
After few days of the practice itself, I started to witness the shift in the way how I was experiencing the life. Now, after seven years of the practice, I can confidentially say that this is one of the greatest gifts given to me in my life by my dear friend. This practice has the ability to assign a powerful meaning to your life experience and the way how we perceive the event in a positive framework of mind.
Practice method:  Now, I have integrated this practice at the end of my daily yoga practice session. As a process, it takes just three minutes of our time.
Forgiveness: Just, recollect on the previous day of at least three such events/experiences that really hurt my feelings. The first step is to bring to my awareness the person or group of people who are responsible for the event. Next step is to simply forgive them and also ask for the forgiveness from them in case if I have done something wrong unknowingly without my conscious knowledge. Simultaneously, pay attention to the bodily sensation and our emotional state as we go through this process.

Gratitude: Same like “forgiveness” practice, just recollect from the previous day life experiences, three such events that make you to feel happy.  Again, get the person or group of people who are responsible for such events in our mind and simply say, “thank you” for creating such a happy experience to us. Simultaneously, pay attention to the bodily sensation and our emotional state as we go through this process.
My experience:  We are given two buckets of people. One bucket is for the people to show our forgiveness and another bucket is for the people to show our gratitude. In the initial days of my practice, the number of people in the forgiveness bucket were more (at least ten times) than the ones in the gratitude bucket. This scene had changed within a month of practice where the count in the forgiveness bucket was going down and there was an increment in the gratitude bucket. Now, after many years of practice, I can confidently say that the people in the forgiveness bucket are negligible whereas the gratitude bucket is full & overflowing with the people.

Now, we are suddenly surrounded with many good people and eventually, we start to experience the goodness within and around us. So, practice & enjoy the abundance of the life!!

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