Change is constant in life. We call it as our growth when
the changes influence us in a positive way. The primary purpose of our life is
to grow in a positive way and lead a meaningful & purposeful life. It is
important to experience and feel the positivity of growth from time to time on
a constant basis. Life becomes dull and monotonous when one fails to experience
the positivity.
Growth: Positive growth
can be achieved by two means. One is by contribution.
Yes!! Contribution =
Your resourcefulness gets leveraged only when acquired resources are utilised
for the benefits of others. This is called contribution and the contribution
aids in allowing the energy generated by your resourcefulness to flow
seamlessly. The energy is blocked when
your resourcefulness is not utilised for the purpose of others. For example, my
resourcefulness of yoga skill has no meaning if I do not allow leveraging this
skill for the benefit of others. Obviously, our contribution has positive impact
on others and as well it aids in our own growth.
Secondly, growth can be achieved by enhancing the resources
or by acquiring new skills. These resources/new skills should influence you in
a positive way to lead a meaningful and purposeful life.
Role Model: Role modelling
is one such ideal way to build the new skills/new resources. First step is to
identify the role model depending on the level of interest in the field where
you want to build your new skill/resource.
If you believe that running marathon will influence in a positive way which
improves your health and fitness level then it is important to anchor
this idea, right away. Obviously, right now, you do not have the right kind of
resources to achieve the end result but you seek to build the resources by
adopting the qualities of the role model.
Anchoring: The
best way to anchor the virtues of role model is to take the printout of the
photo of the role model & write down the list of qualities that you want to
build over the period of time. Stick this photo and qualities that you want to
build in your bedroom or drawing room. Whenever, you see this photo, it acts as
a reminder to achieve this goal. Then, all that you need to do is to mimic the successful
patterns of this role model. Over the period of time, you can able to produce
similar result as that of your role model.
Bridging the gaps:
In our culture, a person who has achieved
greatest heights in any particular field is titled as DEVA. Yes, they are
equated to God. For example, Sachin Tendulkar is considered as a cricket god. Here,
we are trying to reproduce his success pattern. While attempting this, the first
start point is to understand your present resource capabilities and mindfully bridging the gap
between your current patterns to that of the role model.
This involves a three steps process. a) Understand our
present resource capabilities b) understand the success pattern resource
requirements c) mindfully bridging the gaps between these two patterns. Most of us do the mistakes in not
understanding clearly our own resource capabilities or simply overstepping into
our unknown discomfort zone that eventually causes the damage.
So, anchoring is a powerful tool and a clearly defined process
as explained above is important in avoiding those commonly made mistakes. Let
us GROW and HELP others to grow!!
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