
Monday, 25 July 2016

Consistency creates you

Our Definition: An action when it is repeated on regular basis becomes our habit. Our habit drives our behaviour. Our own definition is based on our behaviour. Such is the power of repetition and thus consistent actions when done on regular basis have the potential to give a new definition of you on long run.
Wiring: We are automatically driven by our habits in an autopilot mode. It is subconsciously etched in our neural network and doesn’t require the association of our thinking brain. Habits are spontaneous & automatic. It is the easiest path in the neural network that can be activated without our conscious effort.

Problem: Our own programming and hence our own definition is the net results of consistent repeated actions that were executed in the past knowingly or unknowingly. In fact, we are a slave to our own old habits. All our old habits work in our comfort zone. We strive for a comfortable life & hence, we tend to live in the comfort zone driven by the old habits.
It now becomes difficult to change the old habits or form a new habit as we are engulfed within the framework of the old habits. Your new actions that you want to follow have to be consistent. This is not going to be easy as we need to come out our own comfort zone and that requires effort & determination.
This is where practicing yoga, or going to the gym on regular basis becomes offstage activity. It is simply because, it is new neural network that we need to form but the stronger old network is called upon automatically and restraining us to stay within our comfort zone.
But, remember your consistency that shapes your new definition. If we need to change for good then we need to be consistent in our actions.

Success pattern: Sole reason for not getting the desired result is the lack of the regularity in repeating an action. This is significantly true when it comes to the subject of lifestyle modification. Simple strategy: Constantly repeating a new action on regular basis creates a new habit. New good Habits create a NEW of you.

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