
Saturday, 27 December 2014

“Sure Win “New Year Resolution -Part2

This blog is in continuation of my earlier blog on “sure win “New Year resolution .If you are contemplating on a “sure win” health & fitness goals, here are few more points that you should be aware of to achieve the goals.
Important bridge: Many of us SET the goals but only few of us ACHIEVE the goals. A goal stays as a dream for ever when it is set but when it is not achieved. The distance between setting goal and achieving goal is miles apart. Your ACTIONS based on the set goal act as a bridge between setting a goal and achieving a goal. When the actions are not taken, the set goal started as a dream, continues as a dream and ends as a dream. The desired results of the goal come in reality only when the appropriate actions are taken in time.

Important Mechanisms: Your action or inaction is based on your thoughts from your mind. Mind has two important characteristics that need to be used for achieving the goals.
1.       Mind operates like an auto servo goal machine. Mind revolves around your ideas and your interests. If don’t have a real vested interest on the set goals then most likely the mind will be focussed on something else and hence your actions that follows will have a different focal point. So, it important for you to have a GENUINE interest on the set goals. The best way to develop interest is to have a kind of vision board in your visibility. Vision board portrays the pictures in advance the desired end results of your goals.
2.       Mind what it focuses on that gets expanded. This is the power of focus. Say for example, if you focus on losing the weight and as the mind starts to think in that direction, the world related to losing weight expands. This could be in the form of meeting the relevant people who help in solving your problem, seeing the fitness equipment’s, spotting fitness related articles in the newspaper etc. So, focus on the goal for it to open up a new world to you.
Secret formula: Here is the secret formula for you to stay on track in achieving the goal. I have learned and experienced this technique personally myself. The biggest drive for us to take ACTION is the motivation. Motivation comes by the REWARD of your action. It is important to activate the reward center of your brain to stay on track in achieving the goals. The best strategy is to split a goal into micro goals that are CERTAINLY achievable based on your current available resources. The small rewards of these micro goals compound together in hardwiring your brain to achieve the bigger goal. So, make it a point to keep a journal in writing at least five small progresses that happened in a day by your actions for the micro goals to generate a compounding effect in achieving a bigger goal.

So develop the habit of not only setting the goals but also achieving the goals.

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