
Friday, 30 January 2015

Right Conditioning: Healthy State

Wellness management is all about managing your health and achieving your desired health & fitness level that keeps your energy at the highest operating level. To avoid setback while venturing into the wellness management, one has to seriously do whole wellness management as a project especially at the earlier stage.
I would like to discuss in this blog four major components that generate the desired result.
Resources à Techniques/Tools à Condition à Results

Resources: By default, we have boundless infinite source of energy. All one needs to do is to direct this energy in the specific direction. Your resources are utilised in delivering specific actions and identifying the rewards that motivate you towards your goal. “Emotionalising the goal” is one of the major motivating factors in directing your energy to your goal. Vision board is one such powerful tool in emotionalising the goals. RAS (Reticular Activation System) of the brain acts as a filter that picks up 40 million bits of information /second by the subconscious mind and only 40 bits/sec will be passed on to the conscious thinking mind. Now, by emotionalising the goals, there is every possibility that the experiences/events around you received by your subconscious mind trigger your conscious mind to take actions specific to the goals.
Techniques/Tools: One can do selective filtering of the tools/techniques in developing the faith in the techniques. Pick up the techniques and tools that aid in building up the right platform for our positive growth. Once it is done, there should not be any going back in doubting the techniques. If one does that then it is an absolute waste of energy from one’s part.
Condition: This is the crucial stage for the entire project to become successful. In order for the result to happen, you have to setup the right condition for the goals to happen. The condition allows the energy to flow through you FREELY. The tools/techniques are to help you in reconditioning you to the new state. Keep a close eye on the small positive developments that happen during this phase. Develop a “Love factor” for these small progresses. This aids in activating the motivational centre of the brain to move towards your desired result. Such strategy allows you in adapting to the new condition. Over a period of time, the new condition will become your default state.

Results: You need to maintain the new healthy state once you got adapted to your new condition and experiencing your desired result. The best way to do is to show your gratification to the people/experiences/events that were responsible for your growth. The best way to do is to setup a “Happiness Network”. Happiness network is an ideal way of establishing a network of people where you spread the goodness that you have enjoyed to others. It is a simple way of passing on the skills, techniques, ideas and your energy to others. You are now in a FLOW.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Want to have an authoritative life? Design it.

The mental state plays a crucial role in the expression of the genes. There are many scientific evidences in the recent times of how the mental disposition changes the expression of the genes.
Certain health disorders such as heart disorder, diabetes, arthritis, mental illness etc. are attributed as hereditary genetic problems. Most of us and including the science believe that the hereditary genetic problems pass on from generation to generation. Hence, if our parents have such disorders, we believe that we stand a good chance to get the disorders as we carry the defective genes from the parent.
Mental State: This may not be case as per the newly evolved field called “epigenetics”.  As per epigenetics, the expression of genes depends not only by the genes but the environment in which they thrive. One such environment for us is our mental state and the faith that we hold in our consciousness.
If we have a faith and believe that we get arthritis just because our parents and grandparents have had the disorder then just because of such a strong faith and thoughts around that faith are good enough to create an environment for the gene to express and hence we get the disorder in our body sooner or later.  Alternatively, if you have a faith and belief that the expression of the genes are pretty much in our conscious control then we may not get the disorder even though you have the defective genes passed hereditarily to you.
Brain Characteristic: Our survival brain protects and keeps us in a safe environment. Because of such a characteristic of the brain, it is natural that we worry always of the potential dangers around us. When it comes to health disorder, there is no exception and we tend to worry too much and allow unnecessary thoughts into our minds and we believe the ideas of others and prevailing science. If you believe the ideas and develop a faith that certain health disorders are hereditary and hence, you will get in near future then it is guaranteed that you get the disorder pretty much simply because you have developed a faith in such ideas.

Personal experience: I am here to share my own personal experience related to the expression of genes. I have come from a family with diabetes genes inherited. Also, I have developed a strong fundamental idea over a period of years that my mental state is an important deciding factor in the expression of my diabetes genes. To make this idea more practical, I have created many conditions and ambiences to test & prove and convert the idea into a belief and faith that generates my newly developed mental state. For my faith and belief to become stronger, I tested myself with all the practices that a typical diabetic person should avoid.
My Steps: Most of us get health disorders mainly because we are poor listeners of signals from our body. Like many others, I was not a good listener of my body signals. First, I developed an art of listening to the signals from the body by means of yogic techniques. Secondly, I tried all the possible practices that a diabetic should avoid like eating sweets, running marathon etc. All, I did was smartly listening to my body as I subjected myself to all the prohibited test conditions. Finally, I started believing my body and the signals than the ideas and diversified sciences around the disorder. Now, I am proud to say that I am not only diabetic but a person who is fond of eating sweets.
So, strong belief and faith are required to have such a strong mental disposition to create an environment for the genes NOT to express. For this, one needs to test himself practically all the adverse conditions to develop such a faith.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Want your Mind to serve you diligently?

For most of us, the mind works as a master. Mind generates thoughts that direct our life. Eventually, we become the prisoners of our own minds. Falsely we identify our “SELF “to our own Mind. In reality, we are bigger than the mind. Our Mind and Body are just the instruments that are supposed to serve us for our growth. In most of our cases, we could not able to control the Mind and the Body and hence the Mind and Body regulate us.
Purpose of Mind: Mind is an instrument and its sole purpose is to protect us. The mind identifies the threat and danger and keeps you away from the hazard. This enables you to lead a comfortable life and stay in a comfortable zone which is nothing but a familiar least resistance zone of the mind.
Characteristics of the Mind: There are two important characteristics of the mind which I would like to highlight here and see how to exploit those characteristics in order for the mind to serve us for our growth.

1.       Mind works as an Auto Servo Mechanism. The mind simply revolves around a centre point. This centre point is nothing but what you are interested in. Your interest has an emotional base. The emotions could be positive such as positive growth, happiness & pleasure or negative such as fear, worries & anxieties.
2.       Mind what it focus on that grows. If you focus on, say for example, to stay healthy then the world and information related to health grow and the whole new dimension of the health related world blow up in front of you. Such is the power of the focus of the mind.
For the mind to serve us, all we need to is to exploit the above two characteristics of the mind.
1.       When you set a goal that aids in your development, the first and foremost requirement for setting the goal is to add the positive emotional base to that goal. By doing so, you have tagged your interest with a positive emotional base and it becomes your centre point of your auto servo mechanism of the mind. Now, the mind works preciously like an auto servo goal achieving machine.
2.       Do not take bigger action that leads to a failure. Instead, take fewer small actions that are easily achievable in moving towards your goal. Now, since the actions are achievable, you get the rewards in the form of small results. The rewards activate the motivational centre of the brain. This motivational part of the brain releases dopamine, happy hormone which motivates you to take further actions. Now further actions yield further rewards and this over a period of time becomes cyclic routine. So, your focus on the goal increases and it opens up a new world in front of you which has not been previously discovered.

So, all you need to do is to set a simple action of formulating a positive emotional base while setting up the goal and splitting up a goal into easily achievable micro goals. The mind acts like a diligent server then uses the above two characteristics to do the rest of the work in taking you towards your goal.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Weight Managment Demystified - Part2

For this New Year, I wanted to give back something valuable for my existing as well as old clients as a way of showing my gratification to them. I am quite happy with the overwhelming responses from my clients on the offer that I presented to them as my New Year gift.  Most of them have shown genuine interest in getting themselves FIT from this New Year. I feel that their intentions are wonderful and really great way to start their New Year. Intention when combined with the right strategies, the desired result of having an ideal fitness level can be easily achieved.
I am here to share some of my strategies that generated my radical transformation. This blog is in continuation of my earlier blog on Weight Management. The first and the foremost thing that one should understand is that we all have POWER and capacity to do what we really aspire. Yes, you are a superior person and you have to have a strong believe in your ability. Secondly, you can change only when you have made your own decision to change. You are empowering yourself for a change to happen to you.

There are many of you who have attempted and failed in achieving the ideal fitness level. It is not an issue at all NOW. All you need to do is to take ONE strong but simple ACTION now to get the desired fitness level once and for all. That one simple step is to create a right conducive ambience where your aspiration can thrive.
Design of Ambience:
We are highly influenced by the people, events and experiences that go around us. It is important to design a right ambience that generates a positive influence on you. When it comes to the topic on fitness, many people around us set as bad examples in failing to achieve the desired state. Whereas, there are few who set as good examples in showing us how to achieve the ideal fitness level. Now, identify the right person around you and find out the success PATTERN of that person who has succeeded. This is a good start point. When your concentration is focused on the success pattern then you are already set yourself in the winning strike.
So, design of the right ambience consists of two steps. Firstly, study others and identify the success pattern of the most successful people and mimic the pattern. You don’t need to undergo trial and error in trying out all the different combinations of the workouts/practices. Secondly, study yourself that why you need this change. What made you to decide to go for this change? What are all the driving forces for you to aspire for your ideal fitness level? Remember that we should have strong reasons for our desire to become REALITY. The emotional aspect of your desire is a strong motivational booster.

So, let us work on the above two factors NOW. I will give further strategies in my next blog.