
Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Want to have an authoritative life? Design it.

The mental state plays a crucial role in the expression of the genes. There are many scientific evidences in the recent times of how the mental disposition changes the expression of the genes.
Certain health disorders such as heart disorder, diabetes, arthritis, mental illness etc. are attributed as hereditary genetic problems. Most of us and including the science believe that the hereditary genetic problems pass on from generation to generation. Hence, if our parents have such disorders, we believe that we stand a good chance to get the disorders as we carry the defective genes from the parent.
Mental State: This may not be case as per the newly evolved field called “epigenetics”.  As per epigenetics, the expression of genes depends not only by the genes but the environment in which they thrive. One such environment for us is our mental state and the faith that we hold in our consciousness.
If we have a faith and believe that we get arthritis just because our parents and grandparents have had the disorder then just because of such a strong faith and thoughts around that faith are good enough to create an environment for the gene to express and hence we get the disorder in our body sooner or later.  Alternatively, if you have a faith and belief that the expression of the genes are pretty much in our conscious control then we may not get the disorder even though you have the defective genes passed hereditarily to you.
Brain Characteristic: Our survival brain protects and keeps us in a safe environment. Because of such a characteristic of the brain, it is natural that we worry always of the potential dangers around us. When it comes to health disorder, there is no exception and we tend to worry too much and allow unnecessary thoughts into our minds and we believe the ideas of others and prevailing science. If you believe the ideas and develop a faith that certain health disorders are hereditary and hence, you will get in near future then it is guaranteed that you get the disorder pretty much simply because you have developed a faith in such ideas.

Personal experience: I am here to share my own personal experience related to the expression of genes. I have come from a family with diabetes genes inherited. Also, I have developed a strong fundamental idea over a period of years that my mental state is an important deciding factor in the expression of my diabetes genes. To make this idea more practical, I have created many conditions and ambiences to test & prove and convert the idea into a belief and faith that generates my newly developed mental state. For my faith and belief to become stronger, I tested myself with all the practices that a typical diabetic person should avoid.
My Steps: Most of us get health disorders mainly because we are poor listeners of signals from our body. Like many others, I was not a good listener of my body signals. First, I developed an art of listening to the signals from the body by means of yogic techniques. Secondly, I tried all the possible practices that a diabetic should avoid like eating sweets, running marathon etc. All, I did was smartly listening to my body as I subjected myself to all the prohibited test conditions. Finally, I started believing my body and the signals than the ideas and diversified sciences around the disorder. Now, I am proud to say that I am not only diabetic but a person who is fond of eating sweets.
So, strong belief and faith are required to have such a strong mental disposition to create an environment for the genes NOT to express. For this, one needs to test himself practically all the adverse conditions to develop such a faith.

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