
Sunday, 28 February 2016

Motivation for meditation: Personal experience

Internal automated system:
Do you know what is happening within us as we go for the lovely morning walk? At an outward level, our legs are taking steps, our hands swing freely back & forth, we get connected to the external ambience, feel the sense of nice breeze touching the body, we feel the raise in the body temperature & so on. Simultaneously, there is a whole range of other activities that happen automatically without our conscious effort such as our breathing rate, heart beat rate, metabolic rate, the chemistry of the body, the blood core temperature, the hormonal changes etc. All of these changes occurred as if managed and controlled effortlessly by yet another entity within us but without our conscious effort.
Importantly, when we become aware these internal automatic manifestations then naturally we develop the curiosity to understand this automatic force that governs us. Meditation provides this opportunity to understand this involuntary force that governs us.

Looking within:
Since, we are in close contact with our five sensations, we develop the habit of seeing things and perceiving the life experiences by looking externally. With this approach, given the varying dimensions of the external world, the reference from the external world keeps the life much more complex. Meditation provides an opportunity to look within, watching my internal world, my body, my mind, my emotion & beyond. The approach of taking the reference from the internal world allows me to perceive my external world very differently.
More importantly, looking within provides an opportunity to manage myself which is lot more easier than managing and control the external world around me.

Distance away: On the surface of the earth, earth appears to be flat. Above the earth, the same earth appears to be a sphere. Distancing away provides an opportunity to perceive thing in its true reality. Meditation is a process of distancing me from my own body, mind, emotion & beyond. This now provides an opportunity to perceive all of these components in their true nature.

In short, meditation gives an opportunity to
-          in witnessing the automated power within which is the life force
-          exploration of internal world ( body,mind,emotion & beyond)

-          Perception change by distancing away

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