
Thursday, 24 March 2016

The ladder of inner development –Part1

As known to you, the earlier stage of yoga practice is to develop the ability to direct our awareness inwardly. The idea of directing our awareness inwardly is a continuous on-going process. It takes days or even months to master this practice. But, it is worth practicing it because the benefits are immense.
Inside out strategy: It is now an established fact that my external reality, the way how I experience my life on day today basis is simply a direct manifestation of my internal reality. In other words, if I want to change my life for greater goodness then it is important to know crystal clearly my current internal programming. Whatever that I experience in the external world is just the results, the so called EFFECTS. But, the CAUSES for the results are in my internal world.
Problem – Solution: My problem is also a result but only the fact in this particular case is that the result is not in my favour. As stated earlier, this result manifests in my external world, say for example my excess weight of my body. If I focus on my problem then I am going to multiply the problem. This is as good as dwelling the problem in the problem zone. I know the problem is due to my internal programming, say for examples, my conscious choice in valuing the food that I take, the way how I listen to my body, how I treat the body etc. When I start to focus on these then I move into a solution zone & hence, my solutions to the problem get multiplied.

Awareness: Generally, we are trained to direct our awareness externally. This is because we delve upon the five sensations & we smell, taste, touch, see & hear, that is the way we experience the world around us. We experience the world outwardly & we believe that experience is real. So, naturally, we have liking for that specific red colour flashy car, lovely dress, wonderful look etc. all of those focussed outwardly.
First of all, remember awareness is an infinite field. I have a choice to direct my awareness internally or externally. Yoga is a conscious choice of directing awareness inwardly. Consciousness is simply defined as the direction of my awareness. If I direct my awareness internally then I become conscious of the happenings in my internal world such as my mind behaviour, emotional pattern & the bodily sensations.
This is a very different way of perceiving and experiencing life. It is a shift that allows me to move from “What others think about me?” to “What I think about myself? “. End of the day, you will have a good night sleep when you allow this shift to happen in you.

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