
Sunday, 28 August 2016

Life Goodness : Excuses of the mind

Goodness of life originates from your good habits. Forming a new habit requires an effort irrespective of whether a habit is good or bad. One needs to repeat the action/task related to the habit over certain period of time in order for the action to become second nature of him. Recurrence is the key in generating a new habit.
In this blog, we are focussing on activities such as regular exercises, getting up early morning, yoga & meditation. These are the daily activities that are good to form as habits for a healthy life style. Without doubt, every one of us knows clearly the benefits of these activities. In spite of that innumerable list of benefits, only a handsome of people put an effort in generating these new habits. WHY??
Inherent nature: Evolutionarily, human are designed to live in the comfort zone. It is the characteristic of the mind which restricts us & makes a choice to stay in the comfort zone. No extra effort is required to stay in this comfort zone. But, forming a new habit such as getting up early morning or doing regular exercises demands for an additional effort. This means, one has to work against his inherent nature.

Contradictory Mind: Mind plays a vital role in making the choices. The same mind that motivates you to put an effort to form a new habit also withdraws you form the very effort where you transfer your energy into. Such is the conflicting nature of the mind. It gives excuses for you to stay in your safer familiar mode.
It is up to the individual to overcome this inherent force while forming a new habit. Unlike the western world, daily dose of physical exercises is not part of our culture at all. So, if one goes by the mass psychology, he will derive some good excuses to skip the daily routine. But, in the recent years, a new trend is getting in place where people spent considerable time out in the sun.
Summary:  New habits demand new activities. All those activities demand regularity. The inherent nature & the contradictory mind give excuses that evade you to perform the activities. So, you miss the goodness. Think twice before passing judgement on those excuses of the mind which hinder your progress.


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